Chapter 21 ~ Breaking Point?~

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*WARNING - abusive content - various forms of violence -adult content / smut!!! DO NOT READ UNDER 18 OR IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE!! -- YOU ARE FREE TO SKIP THIS CHAPTER! It's an addition to demonstrate the background of why Eva becomes who she becomes!! I WILL ADD A SIGN IN THE STORY FROM WHICH POINT YOU CAN READ AGAIN!!*

*WARNING -  abusive content - various forms of violence -adult content / smut!!! DO NOT READ UNDER 18 OR IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE!! -- YOU ARE FREE TO SKIP THIS CHAPTER! It's an addition to demonstrate the background of why Eva becomes who she becomes...

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"Come closer," Gellert Grindelwald commands, and I obey reluctantly, every fiber of my being rebelling against this forced subservience.

As I move towards him, he seizes my wrist and pulls me onto his lap, his grip unyielding. "You see, Eva, you are valuable to me. Your powers, your potential, they are wasted if you do not learn to harness them under my guidance."

I try to suppress the revulsion that wells up within me as his breath grazes my ear. "I have already pledged my loyalty to you," I say, my voice steady, though my heart pounds in my chest. "What more do you want?"

He tilts his head, studying me with a predatory gaze. "I want you to mean it. I want you to truly understand what it means to be loyal to me. To be one with my cause."

I swallow hard, the weight of his words sinking in. He wants to break me completely, to mold me into a weapon he can wield without question or hesitation.

His fingers tighten around my wrist, and I wince. "Do you understand, Eva? I need you to be more than just compliant. I need you to be committed."

The reality of my situation crashes over me like a wave. I have to wait for the right moment to strike back, if I do it now it gets me killed.. I didn't drink the blood I gathered yet, but when I do I might have a chance. Without my wand I feel exposed but it's worth a try.

I am trapped, but I must play along if I ever hope to escape.
"Yes, sir," I whisper, lowering my eyes in a show of submission.
"I understand."

Grindelwald's smile widens, satisfied with my response. He releases his grip on my wrist and strokes my hair in a mockery of affection.

"Good girl. Now, show me your loyalty. Prove to me that you are ready to embrace your true potential."

Before I can respond, he leans in, his lips brushing against mine in a forceful kiss. I try to pull away, but his grip on the back of my neck tightens, holding me in place. The kiss is rough, invasive, and I feel a wave of nausea wash over me.

"You exist," he murmurs against my lips. "To serve a purpose. To serve me."

I force myself to relax, to let him think he has won. I know that resistance now will only lead to more pain, more suffering. I need to bide my time, to wait for the right moment.

His hands roam over my body, and I close my eyes, trying to detach myself, trying to somewhat enjoy this. He pushes me down onto the couch, his body pressing against mine. The weight of him is suffocating, but I force myself to remain still, to not give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear.

As he undresses me his eyes wander my body, to me it seems like this is not truly what he wants.

His hands brush over my collarbone and he moves against me, I can feel his lenght pressing against my mid.
I let my mind drift, focusing on the one thing that keeps me going: escape.
I picture the fortress, the layout I have memorized, the guards' routines. I imagine the feel of fresh air on my face, the sense of freedom that awaits me.

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