Chapter 22 ~ Dreams ~

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~Eva's POV~

Back in my quarters, I collapse onto the bed, my body trembling with exhaustion and fear. I know that Grindelwald's hold on me is tightening, but I cannot let him win. I must find a way to outsmart him, to escape his clutches and regain my freedom.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months..
 I continue to play my role, all the while gathering information, planning my next move. Grindelwald's confidence in me grows, and with it, my opportunities for freedom.

I have observed him, studied him. He is an extraordinary intellligent wizard. 
If only he would use his abilities for a good cause. Which, in his opinion he does.
I'm surprised the ministry didn't find him yet. Maybe it's because he doesn't really make a move. He just plotts.. and explores. I believe he is lonely, that's why he keeps the guards and me around 24/7.
I don't feel sorry for him. But behind every monster is a hurt person. I refuse to believe differntly.
I have no news of the outside world..sometimes I wonder where Tom is right now.. Is he still looking for me? How often do I lay here at night and long for his presence.. 

In the resent time I learned a lot about myself. I know I changed. I know I had to. I learned to care for myself. And I also learned a lot about my abilties. 

I can create asthral projections of myself. Interacting with people.. First only close to my real body. Eventually I managed to project my mind outside of this halls. Grindelwald only knows as much as he need to know, in the end I can use this to escape from this prison.
Despite gathering blood, I still couldn't find an opportunity to escape. There were always too many guards around and it would have get me killed..

Gellert is still looking for another source of old magic he can further test my heritage on..
I would lie if I say I wouldn't like to know what I am capable of, but I am sick and tired of him using me as he pleases.


This evening, as I am cleaning Grindelwald's study, I overhear a conversation between him and Brutus. They speak of an upcoming meeting, a gathering of Grindelwald's most trusted followers. It will take place at a remote location, far from the fortress.

This might be my chance to escape.
Suddenly, Grindelwald sends Brutus out.
"Why are you lurking around?" He says cold.
I swallow, placing the broom aside, "I apologize, I only clean the floor, Sir." How I hate it. I hate being so polite.. 

He eyes me up and down as he approaches me, leaning the palm of his hand against the wall behind me. I look up at him narrowed, "I disturbed you. It will not happen again.."
He slowly nods, "Very well." His steel expression lingering on me, making me nervous not knowing what to expect. 
"Sh-Should I go..Sir?" He shake his head. "No. Show me which progress you made.
I nod slowly, glancing down as I wanted to leave the spot in order to sit down, but his cold hands grip my shoulders. "Here."
"but- I pass out-" He eyes me expectingly. "So." 
I nod, closing my eyes. My mind exiting my body as I stand behind Grindelwald, seeing him holding my collapsed body against the wall. 
"Very well. Now walk away and tell Brutus to come in." 

I move slowly, feeling the pull of my physical body as I force my astral form to walk past Grindelwald and out the door. The cold stone of the fortress feels different when I'm not in my body, a dull sensation rather than the biting chill that usually creeps through my bones. My mind focuses on the task, every step calculated to maintain the illusion of my obedience.

Brutus stands outside the study, his eyes scanning the hallway with a soldier's vigilance. He notices me immediately, a sneer curling his lips.

"The master wants to see you," I say, my voice an ethereal echo of my real one. Brutus gives a curt nod and brushes past me, entering the study.

Once the door shuts behind him, I concentrate on the connection to my body. It's always a struggle to re-enter, the sensation of being trapped in flesh and bone again jarring and uncomfortable. Grindelwald's fingers dig into my shoulders, anchoring me back. The moment I'm fully aware, the exhaustion hits me like a wave, my knees nearly buckling as I hold onto Grindelwalds shoulder.

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