Chapter 23

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Tone and I held hands as we made our way down stairs. Walking into the living room we saw that everyone was sitting and chatting away. Mike was sitting next to Emma and had his arm around her. I raised my eyebrow at the site and nudged Tony. He looked down at me and I pointed to Emma and Mike. Tony rolled his eyes and laughed.

"What are you laughing at, Turtle?" Jaime said.

"You're face, Dinosaur." Tony mimicked.  Jaime put a hand to his chest and pretended to act hurt. Everyone in the room laughed.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked. They all nodded and we piled into the big Expedition and headed off to the mall.

Jaime was driving and all the boys were making jokes about how we were gonna die, or Jaime was going to see a Taco bus and crash the car. But we all arrived in one piece and after Jaime had found a parking space, I hopped out of the car and pulled Tone and Emma along with me inside, making a bee line around all the people to get to Hot Topic. 

"Okay, go pick out shirts you like, NOTHING slutty. Skinny jeans, cute dresses, BAND SHIRTS, hats, jewelry, whatever you like. Go. Come back to Tone and I when you're done." I said to Emma and pushed her on. She made her way to the band tees and I saw her picking out the ones she liked.

Mike was about to walk to Emma but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me.

"What?" He whined like a little kid.

"What's going on with you and Emma?" I raised my eyebrow.

"What? Nothing." He said.

"Why was your arm around her then? I also saw you practically drooling over her when you first say her."

"Well, I mean she's hot. What can I say? And she looks super good in my bands shirt." He said and looked towards her. Emma looked over and smiled at Mike, in return he sent her a wink. I hit his arm.

"Ow. what the fuck?"

"Michael. I know your way with girls. Emma may have been a bitch to me for many years of my life, but I swear to god she will not be another one of your booty calls, got it? Break her, and I break you. She told me earlier she thinks you're really cute." I attempted to scold.

Mike laughed.

"Like you could do any harm to me shorty. And she did?" 

I nodded.

"I wasn't planning on hurting her. I never mean to, with the girls I've just happens."

"Well, if you two do start dating, you'll have to be more careful."

He nodded.

"Now go, help her shop. Make sure she doesn't get hoe clothes." I said and pushed him on.

"C'mon gurrrlll, lets go shopping!" Tony said in a gay voice. I laughed at him and pulled him deeper into the store. 

We both picked out multiple shirts and jeans, then Tony went to the CD section and spotted their Selfish Machines album and added that to his pile as well.

"Just wait till they have Collide With The Sky in here baby." I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me.

We made our way to the checkout counter just as Mike and Emma were. Emma was carry a shit load of stuff, and from what I can tell, Mike was carrying the other half.

"Wow, you guys ready to check out?" I asked.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'll pay." Mike said.

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