Chapter 39

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***Forgot to mention that somebody left me a comment saying that they shipped Tony and I, then gave us the name Taudrey. It really made my day, okay? Okay.***


I've been in the hospital for almost a week now. They had to keep me in longer because I had lost so much weight.

I was almost back to my normal size and I was being released tomorrow morning.

So many people had come to visit me, it was heart warming.

Andy came (Andy Glass), Jenna and the rest of Tonight Alive came, Everyone from Hands Like Houses. The Fuentes parents and Tony's Parents.

Kellin and Jesse from Sleeping With Sirens came also.

My parents however, didn't visit at all. We called them and they answered, but didn't seem concerned at all. Nothing new I guess, they were never the most loving parents, they preferred Emma over me.

Tony stayed with me the entire time I was here. He brought me flowers and little teddy bears. It made me really happy.

Right now Tony was out getting us drinks out of the vending machine. I was scrolling down my instagram feed, waiting.

The door opened a crack and Vic stuck his head in and smile at me.

"Hey Audrey! I have someone who wants to meet you." He said.

"Someone who wants to meet me? When I look disgusting and am sitting in a hospital bed?!" I asked.

"Yep!" He said and popped the P. He opened the door all the way and stepped in, motioning to whom ever was with him to follow.

The man that stepped in with him had brown hair that was gelled up so it made a messy affect on the top. He had bright blue eyes and a scruffy beard that looked like he hadn't shaved in a month.

Josh Franceschi.

My mouth dropped open at the sight of him. 

Vic new I was a huge fan of You Me At Six, it was so like him to do something like this.

"Ello love!" Josh said and flashed me a heart stopping smile.

"H-hi." I let out. I was completely starstruck. 

Him and Vic came and sat down beside my bed.

"So how've you been? I heard what happened. I'm terrible sorry." Josh said, his face falling a bit.

"I'm getting better. Everyone visiting so much has really made me feel good. It's nice knowing I have so many people who care." I admitted. 

"I heard you were a fan?" He smirked.

"Yeah." I laughed awkwardly. "I love you guys. I've always wanted to go to one of your shows, I was never allowed to though." I looked down.

"Well, we're this is our last night in California, so why don't you come to the show tonight? I'll put you and all the boys of Pierce The Veil on the VIP list."

"I would love to, but they don't let me out till tomorrow morning." I frowned.

"Then I guess we'll just have to sneak you out. Cause you're coming." Vic said.

"Or I could serenade the nurse, so she'll let you out early." Josh joked.

Tony walked in the room with our drinks.

"Franceschi!" He said and pulled Josh into a bro hug.

"Hey mate! Good seeing you again."

"You too, man. I see you've met Audrey." He smiled and handed me my drink.

"I sure did. You've got yourself a keeper there, Tone. She's a charmer." Josh winked at him, causing me to laugh.

"I know, she is." 

"We were just talking about finding a way to let Audrey out a day early." Vic spoke up.

"Oh, why?" Tone asked.

"I'm putting her and all of you boys on the VIP list for tonights show. We'll go party afterwards. It's our last night in Cali before we head back for another European tour." Josh explained.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome! We could find a way. The nurse is pretty nice, so I don't really see why she wouldn't let her out. What's one day gonna make a difference?"

"Yeah, I'll go talk to her." Vic said and left the room to find the nurse.

About 20 minutes passed before Vic came back in.

"Well, pack up all your things Audrey, You're allowed to leave now!" Vic smiled.

"YES!" I said and jumped off the bed to gather my things.

Tonight was going to be awesome!

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