In the corridors of our shared school, our footsteps wove a silent symphony. 📚

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Next morning

On this extraordinary morning, when Amvi's intuition whispered secrets to the wind, the weather too danced to an unfamiliar tune.
She is doing her breakfast while noticing the sky.. she soon finished her breakfast and was about to leave. She noticed a boy standing in front of her house when she got close to him she noticed avyaan was waiting for her..a sudden their eyes met and for a second avyaan's world stopped. he is just looking at her...but something struck in his mind their eye contact break.

"What are you doing here??" Amvi said

"I got to know that you are in the same I ...i thought to wait for you.." Avyaan said

After passing some mere words they become silent and start to walk silently. Minute after minute she was secretly watching him..she noticed that today he is looking completely different from the other day.. today his eyes are shining like crystal whereas his hair is giving another shine..a sudden urge grown to the amvi to touch his hair..but somehow she manages it and starts to walk fast..soon they reached school.

At the school:-

Avyaan introduced himself as a new student. The teacher instructed him to sit next to Amvi. As Avyaan spoke about himself, Amvi listened intently. A sudden smile graced her face, and she whispered, "I think we're about to have a new poet in our class. Well done, Avyaan-you've caught my attention."

"Why are you smiling so mysteriously?" Kiara asked.

"Kiara, let me share a secret: Our days are about to get more exciting because we now have a budding poet in our group," Amvi replied.

Soon class ended.

"So hey!! Buddy I'm Kiara amvi's bestfriend". Kiara said

"Hello..Kiara nice to meet you 😶"avyaan said

"Well, Avyaan, apart from her, we have one more buddy-Siddharth. He's in section A, and soon he'll join." 🌟 amvi said

"I see.." avyaan said

"What happened is everything okay?? You are looking tired..."
Anvi said

"Not really little cherry.. actually I...he got cut in middle by amvi and said "avyaan are you by any chance worrying about study.."

Avyaan put his hand back of his neck and agree with amvi...soon Siddharth join and he introduce himself to him... and they get along with eachother...they are cracking jokes and try to understand avyaan and want to about him and his school...soon the school ends and went there own ways.

Now Amvi and Avyaan way :-🌿

"So you found beauty everywhere avyaan?" Amvi asked

"Yes I found beauty everywhere no matter if it's something ordinary or special;for me everything is beautiful in this world." Avyaan replied

"So you are gonna be a poet?" Amvi asked another question. And this question is very sensitive for him...he remember his mother words he stopped and look at her with cold and dark eyes

"Never ask me this question; got it .." roughness is clearly shown in his that moment she doesn't say anything and they both got silent and walked.The tumultuous battlefield within-a tempest of thoughts and emotions raging between Amvi and Avyaan.

With this unstable emotions of battle they reached eachother home...still the atmosphere they holding between eachother is strange a mixed emotions is working a emotions of anger demotivated anxiety fear is working.

When he was about to enter a music was humming by amvi which made him stop and look back.

Chapter 7 end

रूकावट के लिए खेद हैं. लेकिन आपकी खिदमत में कुछ लाइने पेश हैं. अगर सही लगे तो कुबूल फरमाइए और गलत लगे तो भूल जाइये." 🎵

(Apologies for the inconvenience. But I present a few lines for your consideration. If they resonate, accept them; if not, forget them. )


POETIC LOVE (INDIAN VERSION) ❤️🌿🖋️📔Where stories live. Discover now