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Soon their half-early exam started...but the atmosphere in the two houses was completely different..where avian was still struggling with his new session in a new city..he couldn't even cope... He was sitting in his room and studying still for 7 hours.. the dark circles were clearly shown in his eyes but WHO would notice?

While studying he fell asleep..his mom came to his room to give him lunch but she saw him .. fell asleep a pang of guilt arose in her heart.. she put a tray on the table and went towards his bed and took the blanket and wore up to his body...and slowly patted his hair and left from there.

On the amvi's side

She is watching a one-shot video of Digraj sir as tomorrow is an SST exam.

Amvi's side family is so chill as they know how much she would get. They know although she won't get good grades she will achieve many things in her life through her writings.

Next day

At school

"Avyaan are you sure you can give an exam?" Said Siddharth

"Yoo guys good morning!!" Said Kiara

"Bad morning Kiara Siddharth is having a fever. We told him to leave but no he wants to take an exam " said Amvi

He is putting his head down on the bench .. his head is hurting..his eyes are also getting heavy. Amvi, Siddharth, and Kiara told him to leave. But he simply denies him.

Soon the exam started everyone started writing. Amvi is looking at avian. By looking at his face she understood something was pressuring him. But she remains silent. Now she starts to write her answer. But in the middle of the exam. Ayaan's eyes were getting heavier and everything seemed blurred he stopped writing and about to stand up he fainted. Everyone present in the class rushed to him and took him to the hospital.

At the hospital.

Amvi, Siddharth, and Kiara were waiting outside as the doctor was checking him.

"Amvi, he " Siddharth said

"Sidd I called his mom but she didn't pick up...and honestly speaking I guess he was struggling with something like someone was pressurized him," Amvi said

"How come you said it Vivi that someone was pressurized him maybe he was -- Siddharth should complete his sentence and the doctor came out and told them about his condition.

"Listen he was completely ok but he was skipping food and maybe he was facing some problems regarding studies..and he got a fever due to the weather change. Please make him smile more ok."

"Ok doctor thank you, umm does he wake up "

"Yeah he wakes up you all can meet him "

At Avyaan's cabin

Amvi could sense that Avyaan was feeling exhausted as he sat on his bed, his face growing pale and dark circles under his eyes indicating how tired he must have been.

"Hey buddy you woke up," Kiara said

"Yes..." Avyaan said

"What are you guys doing here??" Avyaan said

"We are here to look after you. I called your mom but she didn't pick up don't worry I already messaged her...and yes don't get started you all should have given your exams and all the drama got it? We are your friends that's why we are all here "

avyaan can sense the coldness and roughness of her voice .. but he also senses the care she shows. Don't know why Avyaan was laughing suddenly, and his sudden laugh made everyone shocked as they didn't get any idea why he laughing.

A few minutes later he stopped laughing and with a big warm smile, he said "Thank you buddies actually before meeting you guys I didn't have any friends as for them I was not cool like them. But after meeting you all I found happiness and now I know the feeling of friendship and -- he doesn't get time to complete his sentence Siddharth hugs him Amvi and Kiara don't control it but they also Join them. And that is their sweet group hug .

She was riddling poems in her mind.


Invisible, yet clear as day, what am I, can you say? Found in laughter, found in pain, through sunshine and rain, I remain the same. What am I? "


So that's it

Chapter 8 end

Bye bye 🌿🌿💫🌸

POETIC LOVE (INDIAN VERSION) ❤️🌿🖋️📔Where stories live. Discover now