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Oak looked down from his perch in the tree, hearing a twig snap. He drew his bow and lined up the shot, suddenly, a rabbit hops out of the bush.

"Phew," Oak said, lowering his bow, "Glad that wasn't a dragon" suddenly, he gets picked up by something invisible. 


Before he could finish a massive growl can be heard and he tried to burrow into the dragons tallon, now turning a calm blue, he looks up and sees the beasts massive maw open above him and starts yelling.


The dragon squeezes and an audible pop can be heard from Oak, he screams in pain and then shuts up when the dragon growls.

Oak sits, silently panicking in the dragons tallon, they fly, and fly, and fly, oak starts to think of all the people he used to know.

"Violet...Vine...Lavender..." He starts crying and curls up, the dragon pokes him but he doesn't react, so the dragon keeps flying

-One hour later


Toucan lands on the deck of the house, he doesn't live in the Rainwing village, or the Nightwing village, he lives alone.

He takes the scavenger and places it in the makeshift cage, it has a bed, soft...things? And it's all made of sticks. The scavenger curls up into a ball on the soft things and burries itself, an audible sob can be heard and Toucan starts feeling bad for the tiny critter, he only caught him an hour ago, but maybe it was hungry?

 Toucan grabs a blueberry and opens the cage, he digs around for a bit and finds the scavenger, who makes a LOT of squeaking noises in protest, but stops when toucan pokes him.

Toucan picks the scavenger up and offers the blueberry, the scavenger stops and makes a squeak and points to itself.

"Yes, for you" toucan says as he hands the scavenger the Blueberry, it cautiously takes a bite and then it's stomach growls, loud.

Toucan starts laughing uncontrollably and accidentally throws the scavenger. "AAH" Toucan screams as he sees the scavenger falling, falling, falling, and one heartbeat off the ground.

-2 Hours later


Oak is still shaking, two hours later, "I could have died, I COULD HAVE DIED!" He yells to no one in particular, the dragon can't understand him, and even if it could it's asleep in it's moons forsaken hammok.

"If I ever get a knife," Oak mutters to himself. "That dragon is so dead."

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