Chapter 1

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*Claire's pov*
Today is the day's my nephews are finally coming to visit me! I haven't seen them in a long time. I plan to spend all my free time with them this week.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello, this is Claire"
"Claire, it's nice to hear from you. I was just calling to remind you about your meeting today with Mr. Masrani. He can't wait to see his new dinosaur." My assistant Zara said to me.
"Oh crap, I forgot. Dammit, but i was supposed to spend today with my nephews. Okay. Okay. They'll be fine. I'll just spend the rest of the week with them. Listen, Zara, I need you to do something for me"
"What is it?" My British assistant asked me.
"When the boat docks, I need you to pick up my nephews, Zach and Grey Mitchell and bring them to me"
"Sure thing. See you then."
*hangs up*
Well, this was a great start to the day.
*Zach's pov*
Geez, does my brother even know how to shut up? The flight was so bad I had to pretend I was asleep so that he would stop talking to me. After possibly the worst boat ride of my life docked, Grey and I got off in search for our Aunt Claire.
"Where's Aunt Claire?" Grey said when he spotted a lady with a sign that had our names on it. I shrugged and started walking in her direction. She explained how our aunt won't be able to spend the day with us but that we were going to drop by after we put our stuff in the hotel room.

Eventually we started walking to meet Aunt Claire. Well, Zara and I walked, Grey sort of ran there. I'm seriously considering putting a leach on that kid.
"Grey is that you?" We heard a voice yell. Aunt Claire started walking down a staircase. Before I could even stop him, Grey ran and hugged Aunt Claire. "Well, aren't you sweet" she said, clearly uncomfortable. Then she looked up and saw me. "Oh my goodness, Zach, you've grown. I haven't seen you since you were this tall" she said while putting her hands a little lower than Grey's shoulder to signify my height. " that was, what, 3-4 years ago?" She continued. "7. But who's counting" I corrected. "Right, well, I'm sure that Zara already explained that I can't be with you today but you will be in great hands. I promise." She said. "I'll take you to her"

Okay so I'm sorry you didn't meet Annabeth in this chapter but I promise you will next chapter. Please remember that I am changing the story a bit so that it makes sense in the story better. See you next time! Ily! 😋

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