Chapter 2

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Before I start I just want to say that Owen is still a trainer but in this story he isn't the main one, Annabeth is. Okay, back to the story!
*Annabeth's pov*
It was a normal day of training the raptors
"Hey, eyes on me"
"Hey- hey, blue! Don't give me that shit"
"Charlie, watch it!"
"Good!- and we're moving"
"Follow me" I commanded
"Hold! Okay, that's good. That is damn good"
I threw them each a dead mouse.
"Eyes up"
They took off running.
Owen and Barry came and each high-fived me.
"Annabeth," I heard someone call. It was Claire and she was being followed by two kids.
"What's up?" I asked
"Hey, I need you to do me a favor and-"
"Annabeth," she was interrupted but none other than Mr. Hoskins. I hate that guy. "Can we talk?"
I looked at Claire and raised my eyebrow. She nodded as if giving me permission to talk to him.
"What is it this time, Hoskins?" I questioned.
"You did a great job out there."
By then Owen and Barry had also joined the conversation with Claire and the 2 kids still listening in.
"Thanks, now what do you want?" Owen said rather rudely.
"A field test" Hoskins responded
"No way in hell" Owen said
"Yeah, just because you made them doesn't mean you own them. These animals are alive and have actual beating hearts" I said mater-of-factly
" of course I own them. Extinct animals have no rights" Hoskins replied
"They aren't extinct anymore, but if you even think about laying a finger on one of my raptors again, I'll make sure you go extinct" I said
"Was that a threat?"
"No, it was a guarantee" I said while walking down the stairs and towards the cage.
"Now you listen here, princess-" Hoskins started
"Pig lose!" Someone yelled. As the guy attempted to get the pig out, he ended up falling into the cage with the 4 raptors. Without thinking I opened the gate and ran in front of the guy that fell. "Annabeth no!" Owen yelled. Too little too late. Just then a team of guys came and pointed their guns at the raptors.
"Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Do not shoot! You put a gun on these animals and they will never trust me again." As I was saying this the guy that fell scooted back until he was out of the cage
I stuck my arm out "Blue, stand down. Stand down." He snapped at me but I did not flinch. "Hey! What did I just say?!" I stuck my other arm out to my side.
"Delta, I see you! Back up!" I started to back towards the cage
"Okay, okay good."
"Close the gate" I said to Barry
"Are you crazy?"
"Dude, you can't just lock her in there!" Said the older boy that was following Claire.
"She said close the gate!" The guy who fell said.
"Trust me on this" I assured them.
I just stood there with my arms outstretched, until right when the gate was about to close. I then rolled down and under the gate before it closed with all 4 raptors snapping at me. Barry helped me up.
"New guy, huh?" I said to the guy that fell
"Yep" he said
"Here's a tip: never turn your back to the cage" I said as I walked out.
"Badass" I heard the older boy whisper. I walked over to Claire who had been watching the whole time.
"So where were we?" I asked
"Oh right, I was wondering if you could watch my nephews just for today" she said
"Why me?" I questioned.
"Well, I asked around and almost everyone said that if something were to happen, you have the best survival skills. Also that you were really sweet and would take great care of my nephews. And since your job isn't that important-"
I stopped her "my job isn't important?"
"No that's not what I mean. You didn't let me finish" she said
"You know I better just stay here and do my unimportant job. You can find someone else to watch them" I replied.
"I'll pay you double" she offered.
"You know, that's the problem Claire. I don't really do this for money, I do it because I enjoy it. The money is just a bonus." I declined.
"What do you want then?" She begged.
"I want your permission to let me start training the raptors while actually in the cage with them" I smiled.
"Fine" she accepted. I squealed.
"Yes! This is amazing news! Don't worry I'll make sure your kids have the best day of their life, let me just tell Owen first!" I said.
After I told Owen, I walked back to where we all were before. The boys were still there but Claire was no where to be seen.
"Okay, first things first. Names. My name is Annabeth and you are?"
"I'm Grey, and this is my older brother Zach." Grey and I shook hands but Zach didn't look up from his phone.
"So you actually work with dinosaurs?" Grey asked excitedly. Geez, this kid was hyper.
"Sure do, kid" I answered
"That's so cool!" He yelled
"You want to see something else cool?" I asked
Yay! They finally met Annabeth and this story can begin! Sorry these chapters are a bit boring but I promise they do get better! Ily! See you tomorrow probably!😘

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