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typing test 123

She sat there, behind a divide of hanging clothes, typing away at her brother's old keyboard. It was just replaced that day when his long-awaited wireless keyboard and mouse finally arrived in a black plastic bag and layers of bubble wrap that is imbossible to go through without bringing out ssome scissors and strength that you didn't even know existed until faced with a package you were eagerly waiting for for weeks.
Of course that wasn't her though,  she at least has the strength to tear away 3 layers of bubble wrap.... haha...
The end of teh cerulean shirt brushed against her feet as it gently swayed in the air from a fan on its last leg tilting as if it were the Tower of Pisa.  The light buzz of its fan whirring traveled across the narrow room (is it technically the hallway? The house was too small for that though) along with the sound of footsteps as her other older brother walked to and fro before once again entering his bedroom.
Her other brother continued talking into the mic of his headphones. Those on the other side of the screen were from acrosss the country, from as far as the national capital region.
She sat there trying to type this normal time, this boring time, into words that wouldn't even be saved on her sister's laptop.

Outside the cluttered house, past the curtains taped down with duct tape, past the dusty walls and rotting ceiling the sky had darkended into black. She had watched outside and inside through the screen door as the blue sky was invaded by reds, as red faded dyed as the lights grew dim, then she missed the moment it actually became night. The short moment of checking her phone's charge had caused  her absent minded observation of the sky to be splintered like an old movie stored inside a tape that misses a few cuts here and there from wear and tear.
Not that she'd know, she's never seen an actual tape thing. That's just how she imagines it would be. Like an illegally pirated movi e stuttering from the slow internet and it freezes, suddenly its already the next scene. The you try and try again only to find out th eonly cut yoo didn't see was just a transition screen like Harry's snow white owl flying across the screen to  usher in the winter searson.
When she had loooked out again it was like she missed one hour of the Earth's revolution not a couple minutes. What was once a clear sky around twilight became the midnight. Though, maybe, it was just due to the sudden multiplication of dark rainclouds in the sky that made it so much darker too fast. It was disorienting for her, regardkess.
It was after this that she sat down on the couch closest to interior clothesline that she just decided to press keys on the disconnected mechanical keyboard out of boredom before gradually shifting to words and actual sentences.
Her 3rd brother then thought to compare the brightness of lights of his old keyboard accented by red and his new wireless all black keyboard. It was hooked up to her sister's old laptop that she's using now. The laptop  was oldand had stickers and tape scattered on its surface. The old keyboard ended up being brighter.
The screen of the laptop was still on, a WordPad opened on the interface, the line indicating the inserrtion point blinking as she typed describing whatever as she leaned over the armrest of that couch that is tearing apart. The old laptop wasn't in fromt of her, rather, it was on a foldable table on coffee table beside the couch. So, she sat facing this table on a table, leaning over whenever she needed to see the screen, her right leg folded below like a half sitting indian style, her left leg haging normally her foot on the ground. The mechanical keyboard sat on the armrest in front of her and  still she continued to type even in the inefficient position that was rather surprisingly comfortable.
Her brother spoke to her as she typed away with the faint clicks of the keys traveling to her ears, afterward she still typed even after her mother called her for dinner behind her from the kitchen area. Until she didn't have anything to describe anymore, or that she wanted to describe right then.
"You're having fun with a typing test???" (Lol)
"Well, I mean I'm not actually doing a typing test... I'm just fake typing?? I mean. Nice time waster??"
She tried to minimize typos and grammatical errors (especially punctuation which she just isn't good at) but she certainly misssed a few. Oh well.

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