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Everyday we take steps

In order to get from point A to point B
We move our limbs, our hands
We also move our hips
To get there, we have to do everything

Sometimes i have thoughts
i...i always have them
Just... Rarely about me
It's mostly about something that  isn't here

i usually think of the unseen

Whenever i step with my feet
Whenever i make the move
Whenever i'm free
Whenever my thoughts are the seen

i'm held captive by pleads

Pleads also made by me
In an effort for the brakes to work
And truly set me free.

If it isn't pleads
The unknown assails my thoughts
And my cowardice

i wish for something yet,
i am scared of it in equal measure
Or greater...
Isn't it ironic?
i wish it came super sonic
Without me realizing any better

i wonder what's over the road?

Whenever i'm crossing the road
i wish those breaks won't work
Not by my own will
But by destiny

What's over the road?
Does after ever after mean darkness?
That everything stops,
No self awareness

Or does it mean Heaven and Hell?
If that's so i shall end up in the deepest depths
Of a fiery pit

Not because i've gone on purpose
But because i didn't try hard

i didn't try hard...
Neither facing the challenges
Nor appreciating the blessings

But 'that time' won't come yet
And when it does...
When i truly reach point B
When i cross the bridge
When i'm on the other side of the river

i hope it will only be me
I shall serve as a shield
For whoever else i'm with

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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