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I woke up gasping for breath, when I felt myself moving upwards, I looked around confused.

Where was I? I stood up to look around, It seems like I was in some sort of metal box. I wonder how I got here. I thought. I realized I didn't even know who I was or had any memory before this.

I didn't know what I looked like, what my family looked like. Did I have a family?
If so where are they? Are they okay? Where was I being taken too? So many questions blew through my mind that I didn't understand.

My head started pounding from the stress, while my heart started to race.

I started to panic, "HELLO?!?" I yelled, while screaming the box, started moving up faster making me fall down.

I landed on something, or someone making me scream, I moved back immediately he woke up loudly gasping for air.

He stared at me for a moment, like he knew me, like he remembered me.

The boy had brown hair and brown eyes, his hair was wet. Which made me realize mine was as well.

"J-Jane?" He asked. Is that my name? I questioned "Who- who are you?" I asked he shook his head confused before we were going up higher.

He looked around and opened the blanket revealing a cage, the animal made a loud noise making him back up scared. I jumped feeling startled.

I put my hand on my chest for a minute trying to get my heart to steady.
He started yelling like I was earlier, "HEY, LET US OUT!" He yelled standing up.

"HELP US!" He yelled.

The box went up faster, he came over to me immediately grabbing my hand, I held it back feeling like I could trust him.

The box stopped and the lights turned on going red.

The boy looked at me for a split second confused, the lights went green,  before turning off.

All I could hear was our breathing. I held his hand tighter scared what was going to happen to us.

It felt like a while before the box slowly opened revealing a bright light, I covered my eyes with my free hand as did the boy.

I heard mumbling above, and laughing.
The light was soon clear enough to see, I looked seeing around fifty boys.
That made me let go of the boy next to me backing up, "Two greenies? And a girl?" One boy threw out.

They all looked confused, but probably not as confused as I was.

Was there any girls? Please be a girl. I seen there wasn't any making me frown.

A boy with freckles, jumped down in the box facing us, "Day one greenies, rise and shine" He calls out before dragging the boy next to me, he threw him out of the box, before doing the same to me.

I backed up on the ground scared while they surrounded me.

I looked up at a blonde boy who smiled down at me, "we could use some help In the kitchen" a boy said towards me.
I kept backing up trying to get away from the crowd of boys.

I kept eyes on the blonde in front of me he looked at me up and down.

I took off running shoving a random boy that was in my way, the boy that came up in the box with me, soon followed behind.

"HEY, WE GOT A RUNNERS!"  A boy yelled.

I kept running as fast as possible towards the exit, only to feel the boy from behind land on top of me, we both went rolling.

The other boys were laughing and cheering.

The brunette helped me up, I looked around with him confused as to where we were.

What is this place? I thought.

"TAKE IT ALL IN" a boy yelled.

I looked at the crowd of boys while they cheered for us.

Thomas [Maze Runner] x OCWhere stories live. Discover now