Control of the Vessel

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All of the different parts have a panel that they use to monitor and control/affect the Whole. They all have a base color that suits their parts respective lipstick color and fades off into what looks like a galaxy with different accessories. They are able to summon and resize these panels with either verbal or physical commands (ex. speaking, specific hand motions etc.). Only Soul is able to see the other two's boards, while Heart and Mind can't see each other's nor Soul's.

Heart: a purple base that fades off into a galaxy with splashes of purple and various moons. The moons are of all different sizes and stages (crescent, waning gibbous, whole, half, etc...). Heart's monitor screen shows and controls emotions, opinions, motivation, and other things of that sort. He is responsible for keeping Whole emotionally stable.

Mind: a dark blue base that fades into a galaxy with glowing, bright blue wires and various different sizes and depictions of the sun. Mind's monitor allows him to see and control productivity, logical thinking, reason, punctuality, and similar things. His job is to keep Whole productive and efficient.

Soul: a red base that fades off into galaxy and has spots of red and stars of different shapes and sizes (dots, four pronged, five pronged, etc...). Soul's monitor allows him to view the physical condition of Whole, as well as things like physical harm, mental state, beliefs, and views. Soul essentially has the motherboard. He is responsible for keeping Whole physically and mentally healthy and well.

257 words

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