It just a little game of basketball

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Lynn walked through the halls of her school, heading to lunch, when someone suddenly appeared beside her.

"Cleo?" she asked in surprise.

"Yep, that's me," Cleo replied with a bright smile.

"Where's your partner in crime?" Lynn asked more sarcastically than genuinely, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.

"Natalie? Oh, her parents decided to visit their grandparents today, so it's just me," Cleo explained, grinning. Cleo wasn't usually a loner, but she and Natalie were so close that they rarely hung out with other students. Without Natalie, Cleo often felt like she had no one to talk to.

"Alright," Lynn nodded, her smirk softening into a friendly expression.

"So, want to have lunch together?" Cleo offered, studying Lynn's reaction. She wasn't sure where their friendship stood yet and was scared that Lynn might reject her.

"Sure," Lynn shrugged nonchalantly, but there was a hint of warmth in her eyes.

As they found a seat in the bustling cafeteria, Cleo looked at Lynn and decided to take a leap. "So, what's it like living with so many siblings?" she asked curiously, her eyes wide with genuine interest.

Lynn chuckled. "It's pretty crazy. There's never a quiet moment, and privacy is practically non-existent. But we're close, and I wouldn't trade them for anything," she said warmly, a fond smile playing on her lips.

Cleo nodded, imagining the chaos. "It sounds... nice, actually. My house is pretty quiet. It's just me, my mom, and my sister," she shared, her voice tinged with a hint of loneliness.

"That sounds peaceful," Lynn said thoughtfully, tilting her head slightly. "Do you like it that way?"

"Sometimes," Cleo admitted, her fingers nervously playing with her lunch tray. "But it can get lonely. I think that's why I was so fascinated by your family. You guys seem so... connected."

Lynn smiled softly, her eyes softening. "Yeah, we are. But it's not always perfect. We have our fights and disagreements. But at the end of the day, we've got each other's backs."

Cleo felt a flutter in her chest, realizing just how much she admired Lynn. "It's cool that you have that. I guess I've always wanted something like it," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

They continued talking, sharing more about their lives. Lynn told stories about her siblings' antics, making Cleo laugh heartily. Cleo shared more about her own life, including her interests and how she sometimes felt out of place at school.

"You know," Cleo started hesitantly, her eyes searching Lynn's face for any sign of judgment, "I always thought you were just this tough girl who didn't care about anything. But you're... different."

Lynn raised an eyebrow, curious. "Different how?" she asked, leaning forward slightly.

"More... real. I mean, you're funny, and you care about your family so much. It's... nice to see this side of you," Cleo said, blushing slightly as she looked down at her hands.

Lynn felt a warmth spread through her chest at Cleo's words. "Thanks. It's nice hanging out with you too. You're pretty cool yourself," she said, a genuine smile lighting up her face.

Cleo's heart skipped a beat at Lynn's compliment. She found herself looking at Lynn a little differently, her admiration slowly turning into something deeper.

The school day passed quickly, with Cleo and Lynn occasionally exchanging glances and smiles in the hallways. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Cleo was at her locker, putting away her books, when a sudden voice caught her attention.

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