The Fiery Rudra

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(Did I decide to write about Jalandhar seeing this track in Shiv Shakti? Yes, absolutely. I'm obsessed with it. The only difference is, mine's gonna be more accurate 😉)

Shiva and Parvati were back in Kailash and everyone was in a joyous mood. It was then, when Pushpadanta came with the news.

"Mahadev, I was at the borders of Kailash and I saw Devraj Indra and Devguru Brihaspati approaching."

As Shiva heard that, his smile dropped which didn't go unnoticed by Parvati.

"What happened, Mahadev? Why did the news of Indra and Brihaspati coming here make you worried?"

Shiva turned to her, his face serious.

"Uma, after drinking the Amrit, the Devas and especially Indra has become arrogant. I'm afraid his behavior might bring devastating effects."

"Then why don't you test him? We'll be able to see how far his ego has elevated. We might be able to prevent any future complications."

Shiva nodded at her suggestion, "I will have to test him... But I cannot say that it will prevent anything. There's a high chance that it might lead to another one."

Saying so, Shiva disappeared.

Indra and Brihaspati were at the foot of the mountains of Kailash. As they were about to enter the icy borders, they noticed someone lying there. The man was fair-complexioned with long arms and wide chest. He had matted hair and facial hair covered his face. Indra, seeing that someone was blocking his way, got irritated.

"Who are you? Why are you lying here? Let us go in" Indra said loudly but the man didn't answer. Indra asked again but he didn't move still. This made the King of the Gods angry.

"How dare you insult me? Don't you know who I am? I am Devraj Indra! The most powerful being in this universe and you dare disrespect me! Move aside right now or else you'll have to face my wrath."

Now the man stood up and looked at Indra with nothing but disinterest in his eyes.

"I'm Avadoota, gana of Shiva. It's my job to guard the door. Why are you so in haste? You saw someone was sleeping and decided to wake them up by your useless shouting. What do you want?"

"I want to meet Shiva. I need an immediate audience with him."

Avadoota waved his hand at Indra, "That's not possible. He's currently busy. Come back later."

Indra got visibly angry at this as his ego got hurt, "You are a nuisance! I don't know why Mahadev keeps such low lives as you as his attendents. You have no decency or hygiene. You don't even have the manners to treat the Devraj and Devguru with respect. I give you a warning! Stand aside or you'd be meeting your death!" Indra let out a growl but Avadoota seemed unfazed. He just stood there still with his hands on his waist.

Seeing that this gana didn't even care for Indra's warnings, Devguru Brihaspati realised that the man infront of them wasn't ordinary. He was about to stop Indra but by then he had already pointed his vajra towards Avadoota and attacked him. The moment Indra released his thunderbolt at the gana, he disappeared and in his place Shiva himself. He was the one who had taken his Avadoota avatar to test Indra and now he was furious. His face had turned red and his eyes became terrible. He blazed with his burning splendour. Indra immediately realized who he was and fell at Shiva's feet, along with Brihaspati.

"Forgive us, Oh Lord! We couldn't recognize you."

Although Indra pleaded, Shiva's fury knew no bounds.

"Indra! You have proved again that you will let your ego and pride get the best of you. You have crossed all your limits and now you deserve to be punished."

As Shiva said that, his forehead started glowing and his third eye opened and from it, emitted a ball of fire that started to chase Indra. The surrounding started to shake as it seemed like destruction was near.

In Kailash, Parvati got worried seeing the destruction when Vishnu appeared.

"Sister, if we do not stop Shiva right now, the world will reach it's end."

Parvati nodded and both of them reached the venue where Shiva was. He was still fuming. His eyes were burning.

"Mahadev, please calm down. Your anger will destroy the world. Please don't lead the universe towards its doom. You are Ashutosh. Please calm down" Parvati pleaded.

"Devraj!" Vishnu commanded Indra. "Ask for forgiveness. Accept your mistakes. Only Rudra dev himself can save you. Sing his praises and repent. You might get saved."

Indra, following Vishnu's order, fell at Rudra's feet and started to eulogise him along with Brihaspati.

"Obeisance to Shiva the annihilator of Time, of the form of Time, the wearer of black serpents, the great lord and the omnipresent. You are the fire, the wind, the ether, the waters, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the solar system. You alone are the lord of all the worlds, the soul of the universe. You are converging in everything and different from everything; you alone are greater than Prakriti."

As Indra, Brihaspati as well as Parvati and Vishnu praised him, Shiva started to calm down. He glanced at Parvati who gave him a pleading look. Understanding her silent plea, he nodded and closed his eyes. His breathing softened and his eyes returned to their original warm brown tone.

He looked at Indra seating at his feet with hands joined and addressed him, "I will forgive you but you have to promise that you will keep your ego in check."

Indra nodded.

"I've learnt my lesson, Mahadev. I will never forget your kindness and will always try to keep aside my ego. Now please take back the fire that has been emitted from your third eye. It is putting the world on the verge of demolition."

"No Indra, I cannot take the fire of my anger back. It had been released to destroy negetivity and if it won't do it's job, there can be consequences."

"But Mahadev..." Vishnu said. "We have to do something. If you cannot take it back, then you have to place it somewhere that can handle your energy. As your anger has taken the form of fire, only water can balance it."

Shiva understood what Vishnu was trying to say.

"Alright, I will target my anger towards the ocean. I hope the coolness of the water dossimate my fire."

At Shiva's will, the fire of anger from his third eye fell at the ocean. The fire was was so strong that it even started to burn the ocean but after a while it stopped. Thinking that the trouble was avoided, Indra and Brihaspati thanked Shiva for his generosity. The King of Gods promised that he will never repeat his mistakes and went back to Amravati as did Vishnu. Shiva too returned to Kailash with Parvati. But a thought kept troubling him. What happened to his fire of anger after all?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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