six-hundred nautical leagues of jazz.

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{ side a ; track two }

❝Il ne se termine jamais. Je suis noyé dans jazz.❞

Can the antennae feel my pain?

Notes are clinging to the folds of my shirt, the faint buzz of a moody saxophone coaxes me towards the water. Ripples dance on the surface, showing off their cavorting prowess. 

One toe. Magnificent.

Two feet. Submerged, feeling orgasmic.

Sweltering navy-blue arms hold me close, in it's warmth I hear a cacophony of voices wavering in pleasure. Drums and symbols clash, clarinet wizards cast their spells, pianos riff down slippery slopes and I drown in the overwhelming noise. 

Pellucid tears dribble down my face, every sound suffocates me. I reach for the power switch, but it's out of my grasp. The erupting jazz rips into my skin, pulling me apart and putting me back together again. 

I'll never escape it, this insurmountable feeling of moxie.

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