Chapter 1

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Sniffles was in class writing down notes from off the board. He heard a knock on the classroom door. The principle stepped through the door and he had a nervous grin on his face.

"Good morning class, today a new student will be joining you. You can come in now." He informed.

Sniffles looked up to see a kid with neon green hair with a pale yellow streak going through it. They had candy shaped barrettes covering their hair. They had a green and pink long sleeved shirt with pins on the shoulders. They had green short shorts on and thigh high green, pink, and yellow horizontal striped socks. They finally had green and black high tops on.

The person pulled a lollipop from their mouth and they grinned. "Yoho! The names' Nutty!" Nutty said.

Sniffles stared in awe. This person was obviously a weirdo. He wouldn't say it out loud of course, for he didn't want to ruin his perfect reputation.

"Okay Nutty, you can sit beside Sniffles. Sniffles, raise your hand." Mr. Lumpy said.

Sniffles raised his hand cautiously. Nutty looked at him and grinned. They stuck the lollipop back in their mouth and stalked their way over to their seat beside Sniffles. (You'll see why I'm calling Nutty they, their, and they're XD try to guess why in the commets!)

"You must be Sniffles. I'm Nutty." They introduced.

Sniffles looked at him and shrugged. "I know. You just said your name." He said.

Nutty didn't seem the least bit fazed. In fact, Nutty just continued to grin. "What'cha writing?" Nutty asked curiously.

Sniffles looked at Nutty, he was irritated yet interested in this person. "I'm making equations." He said bluntly.

Nutty looked interested yet confused. "Oh cool! I would never be able to do that." They said shrugging.

Sniffles had a small smile. All through class Sniffles and Nutty were passing each other notes. Sniffles found out that Nutty was in fact sugar obsessed, they liked candy, they hated gym, they were both the same age and both had the same interest in fantasy lands.

Nutty found out that Sniffles loved all types of sciences, he loved math, was obsessed with equations and invention making, and finally liked to study for everything.

The bell rung in both their ears. Sniffles got up and Nutty did the same. "Whats your next class?" Nutty asked.

Sniffles turned and looked at him. "Ironically, math." He replied.

Nutty pouted. "Aww man! I got gym. I'll just ditch it." They said shrugging.

Sniffles shook his head. "You're going to get caught." He stated.

Nutty shrugged. "I hate gym, so so what if I get a detention? The guys will just be rude and smelly anyway." They answered.

Sniffles's mouth dropped. "Y-You're a g-guy?!" He stuttered.

Nutty narrowed his eyes. "Yeeaah, you really didn't notice?" He asked sounding hurt.

Sniffles put his arms up in defense. "S-Sorry! I just didn't know since you're..umm...wearing.." He started.

Nutty glared playfully. "What, that I wear girlish clothes?" He asked with innocent eyes.

Sniffles blushed a little. "Yeah, sorry heheh." He said scratching the back of his neck.

Nutty giggled. "Hey its fine! I'm used to it!" He said in a giggly mess.

Sniffles smiled. This guy sure knew how to make him smile. "Well class is going to start soon and unlike you I'm actually going to attend my class." He said mockingly.

Nutty pouted. "Yeah yeah. Seeya later Snifflgator!" He said, taking out his lollipop and sticking out his tongue.

Sniffles laughed and went to his class.

~After school Sniffles was in the student counsel room. He was the vice president. They were talking about delinquents and how they should be pumished. Sniffles didn't really care and wasn't paying attention. His thoughts were all surrounding Nutty.

The meeting had ended and Sniffles had gotten up from his chair and was about to head towards the classroom door, when Flippy stopped him. "Sniffles, can you take this file to the detention room?" He asked.

Sniffles nodded. "Sure." He answered, taking the file and went out the door.

Sniffles almost made it to the room when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. Nutty was standing outside the classroom with a scowl on his face.

"Nutty? What are you doing here?" Sniffles asked, walking up to him.

Nutty looked up and his eyes brightened. He got a smile on his face. "Sniffles! Oh uh yeah! Heh, well I got ratted out for ditching by Lifty and Shifty." He said shrugging.

Sniffles nodded and had a small smirk. "Told you that you'd get caught." He teased.

Nutty got flustered. "W-Well whatever!" He said pouting.

Sniffles chuckled. "Anyway, want to walk home with me after I turn these in?" He asked raising the file in his hand.

Nutty smiled. "Sure! But on the way home, can we stop by the candy cart?" He asked with stars in his eyes.

Sniffles laughed. "Sure sure! Hold on a sec." He said walking into the classroom.

Nutty nodded and waited patiently against the wall. After a few moments Sniffles walked out. "Ready?" He asked.

Nutty nodded and walked close to Sniffles. Sniffles blushed and fixed his red glasses. Nutty laughed. "Why is your face red?" He asked.

Sniffles shook his head. "N-Nothing, nothing at all." He said.

Nutty nodded. After about fifteen minutes of walking, Nutty spotted the candy cart. He jumped onto Sniffles. "Look! Look! CANDY!!" He squealed.

Sniffles turned red and he gently pushed Nutty off. "C'mon, lets get some chocolate or something." He suggested.

Nutty nodded and grabbed Sniffles's wrist, practically dragging him over. Sniffles laughed. "Alright alright! Calm down!" He said.

Nutty looked at all the candy assortments. He had his eyes widened and he was practically drooling. He looked down and pulled out his wallet from his backpack. He sighed and shoved it back in. "Nevermind.." He mumbled.

Sniffles tilted his head. "Whats wrong?" He asked.

Nutty looked at him and he had a chibi teary face. "I spent the rest of my money on extra pie at school today!" He sobbed.

Sniffles sighed and walked up to the stand. He ordered two chocolate caramel delight truffles. The things were huuge!

Nutty was practically drooling. "Stop teasing me meanie!" He whined.

Sniffles rolled his eyes and handed Nutty one. Nutty's face brightened and he took it and hugged Sniffles tighty.

"Thank you thank you!" Nutty thanked happily.

Sniffles flushed a bright red. "I-It was nothing! You owe me though." He stated.

Nutty pouted. "Aww you're so mean! What is it?" He asked, taking a bite out of his truffle.

Sniffles smirked. "You have to help me with my next project." He said.

Nutty gulped. "What kind?" He asked.

Sniffles didn't answer, instead he just walked away. "Snif- Hey! Tell me!!" Nutty whined, running after him.

Oh what a beautiful friendship is blooming!

Nutty x Sniffles: RebelWhere stories live. Discover now