Chapter 3

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Nutty sighed. He looked in his locker. Several hurtful letters and notes fluttered to the floor. Ever since everyone found out he was a boy, people began making fun and bullying him because of how he dressed.

Nutty bent down and picked up a few letters. He started reading them and tears stung his eyes. A few tears slid down his pale skin.

Sniffles was walking down the hallway with Ant latched onto his arm. He was on his way to pick up Nutty so they could walk to class together. Sniffles looked over at Nutty and he gently shoved Ant off of him and he ran to hug the weeping Nutty.

Nutty couldn't stop the tears from escalating down his face. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around his waist. He gasped and spun around and saw Sniffles. He quickly wiped his eyes free from tears.

"O-Oh! H-Hi Sniffles!" Nutty greeted with a fake smile.

Sniffles sighed. "What happened? Who made you cry?" He asked with a hint of anger.

Nutty averted his eyes. "Nutting happened. I-I just had something i-in my eyes." He stuttered.

Sniffles sighed in annoyance. He looked down and saw some letters. He picked them up much to Nutty's disapproval. "Stop! Don't read them!" Nutty begged.

Sniffles turned away from him and started reading them. 'Fag.' 'Get out of here gay boy!' 'You should just go die!' 'No one likes you!' He was burning with rage. "Who gave these to you?!" He asked angrily.

Nutty's lip quivered. "I-I d-don't know!" He sobbed. He fell to his knees and cried softly into his hands.

Sniffles sighed and bent down to Nutty. He hugged Nutty tightly. "What happened?" Ant asked walking up to them. She of course knew who sent them, but she had to keep up this angelic act.

"Oh good Ant you're here." Sniffles said, looking up at her. He handed her the letters. "Here, people have been bullying Nutty." He answered.

Ant looked at Nutty sympathetically. Nutty of course knew she was faking it. "Aw poor Nutty! I'll help in any way I can!" She cheered.

Sniffles smiled. "Thanks Antty!" He thanked happily.

Nutty had a frown on his face. He hated Ant. She always tried to separate him and Sniffles. "I'm going to class.." He muttered standing up.

"What? Wait Nutty! Hol-" Sniffles started.

Nutty ran into the classroom. He ignored Sniffles when he tried to talk to him. "Nutty. Answer me!" Sniffles demanded.

Nutty looked at him and sighed. "Stop! It wont help any!" He yelled.

Sniffles was taken back. Nutty never ever yelled at him before. "Nutty.." He whispered.

Nutty sighed and was writing down answers. Twenty minutes into class Nutty was hit by a few spit balls. He looked back and saw Lifty and Shifty snickering to themselves.

Nutty sighed and picked off the spit balls. He threw them onto the floor. After class Nutty walked silently down the hallway. A few students gave him weird looks or was just simply snickering.

Nutty sighed and brought his lunch outside. He ate quietly until he sensed someone sitting next to him. He looked over and saw a smirking Ant. "Well hello Nutty." She greeted coldly.

Nutty bit his lip. "What do you want Ant?" He asked.

"Nothing much. I just want you out of Sniffles life." She stated.

Nutty ogled Ant. She wasn't serious was she? "Wh-Why?" He asked.

Ant shrugged. "Because, when you're around, Sniffles always pays more attention to you. You know, even when we're alone he talks about you." She informed in annoyance.

Nutty started chewing his gum nevously. "What do you plan to do?" He asked.

Ant smiled evily. "You figure it out." She stated and walked away.

Nutty felt tears sting his eyes again. He rubbed them. No Nutty, you will not cry. You will not make yourself to be weak. Nutty sighed and inhaled. "What am I going to do?" He asked himself.

Sniffles was walking around aimlessly. He wanted to know the reasons behind Nutty's actions.

"Sniffles!!" Ant called running up to him.

Sniffles looked at her solemnly. "Sorry Ant, I can't talk to you right now." He said walking off.

Ant growled. "Why the hell not?!" She asked grabbing his wrist.

Sniffles looked at her. "I need to find out whats wrong with Nutty." He stated.

Ant glared. "Whats so great about Nutty?! Why are you obsessed with him?!" She asked angrily.

Sniffles shook her off. "I'm NOT obsessed with him! Whats your problem Ant?!" He asked.

"Nutty is my problem! He keeps you from me!" She stated.

"How does he keep you from me?!" He asked.

"All you think about is him! You only talk about him! Its like you love him!" She announced.

Sniffles became flustered. "I am NOT!" He yelled back, him turning red with fury.

Ant raised her hand to slap Sniffles. She brought her hand down, but she didn't slap Sniffles. Nutty jumped in front of Sniffles and took the hit.

"Don't hit Sniffles." Nutty muttered.

Ant scoffed. "And who are you to tell me what to do?! You are just a stupid gay boy!" She spat.

Nutty's eyes widened. He bit his lip. "Thats it! ANT WE ARE THROUGH!" Sniffles yelled.

Sniffles grabbed Nutty's wrist and dragged him away. "B-But Sniffles! WAIT!!" She called, but Sniffles ignored her and kept walking.

After Sniffles dragged Nutty to the side of the school, Nutty stopped him. "Did you seriously want to break up with her?" Nutty asked quietly.

Sniffles sighed and sat on a bench. "Yep. No one calls my best friend a gay boy without getting away with it." He stated.

Nutty blushed. "O-Oh...well you seemed to really like her..." He said softly, his heart breaking.

Sniffles looked at him and smiled. "Well I did like her, but she's not worth it." He stated.

Nutty bit his lip. "Oh. okay." He said.

"Nutty, whats going on with you?" Sniffles asked becoming serious.

"Nothing is going on!" Nutty exclaimed.

Sniffles straightened his posture. "Fine. Don't tell me." He muttered standing up.

Nutty reached out, but Sniffles turned away. "I'm going to class." He stated.

Nutty sighed. "Fine." He said.

Nutty x Sniffles: RebelWhere stories live. Discover now