chapter sixty-five

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Chapter 65


As days passed in the Mikaelson household, things finally started to look up for them. Especially with Bonnie's new power. After one torture session with Freya, at the hands of Mina, of course, Bonnie discovered the bonuses of her power.

Not only did breaking the sand clock break Freya's connection to Dahlia, but it also released the magic of their immortality spell to the person who absorbed that magic.

This feat would prove quite useful as Alixandra ages. The battles won were probably nothing compared to the battles they would have to eventually face. But, if the last few months had shown Bonnie anything, it was that she was capable of much more than she could ever imagine.

And so was her new family as long as they stuck together.

Their home had, too, started to look up. Instead of the Compound feeling like it had been drowned in sadness, things started to finally fall into place.

There were only two problems.

One, Bonnie had missed the eclipse, meaning Vincent Griffith was now regent.

Two, no one knew what to do with Freya.

The family sat together in Klaus's office. It felt like forever since they were all together, having one of these meetings. Mina couldn't help but feel sadness as she realized that the last one Elyza was still alive.

Sighing, she swallowed.

Klaus sat behind the desk as Bonnie sat on top of it. On the couches sat Mina and Elijah to their right, Marcellus in the far back, Henrik beside him, and Rebekah and Louis to their left.

Henrik sighed as there was an obvious hole in the room... Kol and Elyza. He pushed those thoughts away, knowing that it was time his family started to grieve their loss. While Kol wasn't dead, he had made it known of his decision not to return to New Orleans.

Nevertheless, he sat beside Marcel as they talked of change... of a new order.

"Before we tell them about our... plans... we should decide what to do with Freya," Bonnie suggested, her eyes looking deeply into Klaus's.

"Why can't we kill her?" Mina asked. "That's a genuine question, by the way."

"I'm not really sure why we haven't." Marcel chimed in from the door, waiting for this to be over to that they could have breakfast. He decided that after this, he would most definitely talk to Klaus about moving these meetings to the early afternoons.

"Because," Bonnie started. "She's your sister–"

Klaus sighed. "I can appreciate your kind heart most times, love, but this witch tried to murder you. Long lost sister or not, she came for you. For our daughter."

"Niklaus is right," Elijah nodded. "She is more of a threat than she is worth."

"She's locked in a sealing spell in the basement, correct?" Henrik asked. When he got a couple of nods, he continued. "I don't condone murder, just putting that out there. But if we were to... terminate... her life, it would be easy to do now."

"Terminate?" Marcel joked. "Nice choice of words there, Hen."

Mina laughed as she leaned back against Elijah, her new ring shining in the light. "Okay, so what's next now that we have the 'nice one' on board with murdering Freya Mikaelson?"

Henrik flicked his wrist, throwing a pillow at the woman.

Bonnie smiled as she looked around the room. "I just want to let everyone know, especially Marcel, that I'm not going to try to become Regent of New Orleans."

"What?" Henrik asked.

"Why?" Rebekah questioned.

Marcel shrugged and sat forward. "I told you to just kill Vincent."

"We're not doing that anymore." When she got looks of confusion, she continued. "You know... murdering people for minor inconveniences? Because if anyone is going to want to send their children to our school, the Mikaelson name has to be one associated with good."

Klaus coughed sarcastically. "That, my love, is a greater challenge that Dahlia."

"School?" Elijah picked up on first. He moved to the edge of his seat. "Or did I misunderstand you?"

"No, 'Lijah. You heard me right," Bonnie shook her head, smiling. "Nik and I are starting a school... a school of magic. Where the next generation of Mikaelsons can grow and learn without danger." 

Mina sat up with a smile. "Holy shit."

Marcel smirked. "I would be an excellent teacher," he bragged. "Just sayin'!"

"So no to be regent?" Henrik confirmed. "Because we don't want to kill Vincent Griffith."

"But totally cool with murdering long lost sisters..." Marcel trailed off. "Got it."

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "If this power is truly mine... if I am truly immortal, I will have the rest of eternity to be anything that I want to be."

Klaus smirked as he leaned up, taking Bonnie's hand into his own. While this life was not what he expected, he couldn't help but feel anything but joy. His family wasn't complete, no. And until Kol returned, it would never be.

But right now, all he needed was in this house.

As he sat in front of the mother of his child, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding is. Bonnie's face gained its brightness as a smile so bright it could light up the darkest of rooms rose upon her.

He looked forward, watching as the son he loved tossed pillows and found peace inside of his family. He could hear Davina and Isabel upstairs, watching scary movies that they would both vow to never watch again... only to watch them again.

And he could hear his daughter soundly sleeping. The daughter who would grow up beautiful and as opinionated as her mother.

It was there and then that he decided that he didn't need everything. Because what he had was beyond anything he ever imagined for himself.

And it was just getting started.

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