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Jeno PoV

Three years I have trained just to be sent for further training to a lower class family with many more enemies before I take over. My contract is still for another year with this family. It's been 3 months since James got married to his 'wife'.

I say 'wife' but he's really his husband. Their marriage was rushed- unplanned and strictly a business deal between families.

None of us have really managed to get eyes on his husband since he moved in. They stay in their room and when we do hear them both is when they're arguing or the others crying. James is mostly heard delivering harsh blows to his body. No one takes food into him or not that I've seen and we've all started to get curious. The last guy that brought it up got killed in front of us so no one has brought it up.

James had come out of the room and my job is to follow him to prevent any harm coming to him.

James- take him some food. He can barely stand up. Fucking weak bastard
Me - yes sir

I went down to the kitchen and the cook made a plate up for him. I knocked on the door before opening it. He scrambled some things away and I looked into the dark room for him. I walked towards him only really seeing his white hair shining in the small bit of light the gap in the curtain left. His roots were dark as they were growing through. I flicked the light switch on and looked at him. A bloody bruised mess still in the same shirt as their wedding day.
He looked between me and the food as I studied every bruise on him. I focused on his ankle that was twisted in an unnatural angle. I put the food on his desk

Me- that's for you. Eat up and I'll make sure some gets brought in a bit

He hoisted himself up when I realised he didn't even have underwear on. His white shirt had blood spotted near his ass and my head only went to one conclusion.

I sighed leaving the room as he hopped towards the desk.

I went back into James office and he was looking stressed.
He turned to me shouting about how I don't always have to be up his ass.

Me- James I know you can't hurt me otherwise your head will be off so I'm going to bring this topic up with you.
James - listen jeno if it's about jaemin I don't want to hear it. He's not worth our team okay ?
Just pretend he's not there. It's what I do
Me- I want my position changing now
James - to what ? To where ?
Me- I want to be in charge of your wife's care.
James- you're trying to be funny right ?
Me- not at all. How he is the state he is in isn't acceptable under any circumstances. I'm almost positive his ankles broken
James - whatever jeno. Do as you please I'm not even sure why your here anyway you don't actually do much.
Me- thank you James. I will continue training with your guards but I do not want to be stuck in the same room as you 24/7
James - i already said whatever just leave would you.

I rang for my doctor to come to the house. Winwin is my oldest friend that works within my family mafia.
He was here within 20 minutes and I guided him to the west wing of the house where mr cross wife was and I knocked. The lights were off again

James I don't want you in here. Please leave.

His back was to us and I walked around. He looked at me shocked.

Me- mr cross I have someone here to come and take a look at your ankle
Mr cross - no it's okay James will kill you and me if he knows your in here
Me- my care has been transferred to you don't worry.

I turned the light on and Winwin stared for a moment. He got himself together coming over to the end of the bed.

Winwin- so what happened when you initially felt pain ?
Me- he slammed it in the car door on our wedding night.
Winwin - it's been like this for three months ?
Me- no one's ever come in here but James and I'm not allowed out.
Winwin- I can't do anything right now you're going to have to come for an X-ray at my clinic. Especially if it's been 3 months. It could have healed that way ir anything.
Me- right we will be there in half an hour I'll talk to James.
Winwin- okay I'll see you both there. I'll try and make sure everyone's gone but since you're coming I can't promise.

I nodded and left James a note and posted it under his door. I can get some clothes from ten for him. I carried him to my car and left immediately. I got there in 20 and I opened the door.

Renjun- jeno!!

They were all getting up and jaehyun and Yuta brought them back out my way. I carried jaemin down the hallway and to Winwins clinic. Winwin told me to go sort what I needed and I came into the room and my brothers hugged me.

Jaehyun- what the fuck jeno? What are you involved with ?
Taeyong- you didn't do that did you jeno ?
Me- god no that's James husband wife whatever it is.
Ten- what !? And he's done that to his husband ?

I nodded and they were all speechless

Me- he hasn't eaten since their wedding. His foot's been injured since their wedding night. He's never been out of that room since they got married.
Taeyong- do I need to talk to dad ? Do you need to come home ?
Me - no I can't just go knowing what happens in that house. Ten can he just have some clothes I'll pay you back obviously.
Ten- no it's fine. I'll get some bits that are too small for me. I have winwins in storage from when he was dealing with his ed. They might be better.

He ran upstairs and got the box labelled Winwin and I thanked him taking a set out and putting the rest in my car. I went back to Winwin after I made a sandwich taking it with me for him.
He had one of the thinner support braces on his ankle. He hadn't done anything that couldn't be hidden by clothes. I passed him the food and the change of clothes. He thanked me eating the sandwich and Winwin left after seeing the clothes.

Me- get changed we should really get going.

He nodded doing as I said and he looked more relaxed. I've put Yuta on with the task of details for his parents.
I passed the kitchen grabbing him an apple off the fruit bowl and he took it willingly as he hobbled up behind me. His body couldn't support himself and his legs kept buckling keeping me closer.
He barely made it to the front door without becoming breathless and needing to stop.

I carried him to the car knowing the longer we are gone the angrier James will be. He can't touch me but he can with jaemin. That's what I'm worried about.
We got back and jaemin went to his room without being spotted and I went to see James. He was angry you could tell.

James - I can't believe you actually took him out.
Me- he needed an xray
James - I don't care you ask you don't tell

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