Chapter 16- Follow Me

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Later that day Price called for a team meeting, officially going over our new orders. Price was leaned over hands on his knees in the armchair. Soap, Roach, and Gaz were squished together on the couch. The scene reminding me of their Mario Kart escapades a few weeks ago- just far less shoving and screaming.

I had chosen to sit cross legged on the floor facing the couch. Roach had offered his seat on the couch but the idea of being squished between Gaz and Soap with my injured arm didn't sound appealing.

Ghost stood leaning against the wall across from Price. He reminded me of a gargoyle the way he silently watched over all of us.

"When do we leave?" Soap asked. His normal demeanor replaced with a more irritated one. The whole team's behavior was different, the air thick and buzzing with negative energy.

These guys had a rough background with KorTac, and while I was trying my best to keep that out of my head so that I could make my own judgements, I wasn't so sure I'd be able to.

I looked to Price, the look in his eyes spoke louder than his words. We didn't even have a lot of time before we'd be face to face with KorTac. "Tomorrow." He said quietly.

Gaz groaned loudly, my eyes snapping to him as he ran a hand down his face. "Why do we have to work with KorTac again? What interest do they have in Hassan?"

"Laswell obtained some intel that one of Hassan's missiles is located in Vienna. As you know, the Colonel is from Austria. I'm sure he's got a hand in KorTac's interest." Price responded, leaning back into the armchair stiffly.

"As long as they stay out of our way, we won't have an issue." Ghost stated, his voice deep and gravely. Very fitting for a gargoyle.


The next morning we were loading out duffles and weapons crates onto an AC130. We were all dressed in civvies- rocking sweatpants, joggers, and sweatshirts. These planes weren't exactly known for their warmth.

"You two ready?" Soap asked, slinging his arms over mine and Roach's shoulders. I set down the last duffle bag in the pile forming.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said letting out a breath.

Roach turned his head a grinned. "It can't be that bad can it?" His smile fell when he saw Soap and I's faces drop. I had almost forgot he was also new-ish to the 141 and he didn't have any prior encounters with KorTac.

"Brother, König tried to kill me," I said on an awkward laugh, looking at Roach like he had two heads.

"Hey, didn't you say you were trying to not let that influence your opinions on them?" Roach fired back, calling me out and poking a finger around Soap towards my side.

I jumped out of his way, slithering out of Soap's hold while he watched, confusion plastered over his face. "Wait! Siren! Are you ticklish?" Soap exclaimed in a question.

My eyes widened and I moved into a defensive position, my arms held up at the ready. "Tickle me and I swear I'll happily kick you where the sun don't shine." I warned.

Roach turned and grinned at Soap who beamed back at him in response, a plot forming between them. "She can't take on both of us."

"Like hell I can't!" I exclaimed, eyes darting back and forth between the two men before me. They turned their attention to me and moved in on me. I slapped their hands away as I backed into the plane, a smile plastering itself on my face and laughed bubbling out of me.

I squealed as I got backed into a corner. I didn't actually want to hurt either of them, but I also didn't want to be tickled either.

Before either of them could get their hands on me Ghost grabbed Soap and Roach by the hood of their hoodies, pulling them back away from me. "Leave her alone."

Siren | A Ghost x Reader x König Call of Duty FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now