Chapter 1 - My Breakup

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'Who do you think you are?!' I yelled at him. If a glare can kill, he will be dead by now.

I hate him... I hate him!

He rolled his eyes and stared at me, annoyed.

'Stop this bullshit, Ven!' He said to me while massaging his left cheek, the one that I had just slap.

'H-How can you do this to me, Zedrick?' I stuttered, almost breaking a sob.

'W-Why did you cheat on me?! I had given all to you! What more do you want?!' I persisted, a tear fell down on my right cheek. A tear full of resentment to the man who is standing in front me

'All? Do you think I am satisfied with just going to places and watching a movie with you?! Grow the fuck up Ven!' He angrily said at me, pointing

I stared at him back, confused and upset. 'W-What do you mean?'

'Sex, Ven! You cannot give it to me but your best friend surely did!' He answered, proudly.

I stared at him in disbelief. I folded my knuckles until it turns to white.

'Just for sex... you will give up our five years of relationship for just a mere slapping of bodies! You are a fucking piece of shit Zedrick!' I yelled and began to punch him.

I do not want him to see how weak I am but I cannot hold my tears anymore. This man has been with me for five whole years of my life. He had been my happiness, the shoulder that I can lean on, and the mirror that seen my strongest and weakest side.

I just cannot believe he will throw this all away, just for what? For fucking.

He strongly grabbed my wrist, my face twitched because of the pain.

'Stop! You know what? I will be frank with you. Ven, you are the most boring and tasteless person I have been with. Everyday in our relationship, your face irritates me so much that I just want to choke to death and the way you fucking dress....' He smirked at me and look at me disgustingly.

'.... The way you dress is just ugly. Are you even a woman?' That was the last sentence that I heard before he left. Leaving me on the corridor, crying my hearts out.

The way you dress is just ugly. Are you even a woman?

The way you dress is just ugly. Are you even a woman?

The way you dress is just ugly. Are you even a woman?

The way you dress is just ugly. Are you even a woman?

Stop! I began to pull my hair, my head is throbbing, what Zedrick said keeps repeating on my brain like a loop. Even when I get back to my apartment, it keeps on saying it again and again. I am fucking exhausted and in pain, I immediately collapsed in my bed.

I cannot believe how the man that made me felt love can be that cruel. For five years, I know he knows all of me — my insecurities, worries, even my problems. I am fragile and vulnerable when it comes to him. I even let my guard down, the wall that I have been building for myself stops just for him.

I know I feel like a love sick woman right now but for my whole life I crave love. I am aware that I am not attractive nor have a big personality that is why when a person tries to know me I cannot just ignore them.

Everyday in our relationship, your face irritates me so much...

I laughed. How can a person be that cruel? The way you dress it just ugly Are you even a woman? — I never felt like a woman, with the way people treated me I would quickly pick the bear. I have been questioning myself, why am I like this? But now, I got reality slapped by someone I trusted with my whole being, someone that makes me feel like a woman. He does not think I am feminine enough.

Ironic, isn't it? He who complete my womanhood does not think I am one? I cried. No one absolutely no one will like me.

After an hour of crying my hearts out, I do not know how did I end up with a mirror in front of me and begun applying make-up. I cannot cry anymore, my mind is now clouded with pain, my self-pity is too much to handle the only way that I can mend it is for me to look good.

I do not know how to apply make-up, it is just that Zedrick said that my face annoyed him so much but in doing this, he will not be irritated now right? He may come back to me if I look and dress pretty, right? I look at my reflection in my full length body mirror, I see an ugly person. Even if I change my style or how many layers of make-up I cover my face, it will not hide the fact that I am unattractive and unadmirable.

My best friend now ex-best friend is a beautiful woman. She is the complete opposite of me, an ethereal person with a likeable attributes, she is social and friends with everyone. I do not even know why I am friends with her, she is way out of my league that is why when I found out about them, my heart completely sank, it shattered to pieces. I did not see it coming at all, my ex-best friend is the only friend that I had but now I absolutely have no one.

I am so alone. I do not want to be alone but unfortunately, loneliness likes me. In this world with seven billion people, will someone truly want to be with me? Will someone out there truly wants to knows me? Will someone care for me? Will someone out there love me?

I weakly smiled. I thought Zedrick will be that someone for me, I even thought about marriage and family with him. But, I am so wrong. Maybe in this lifetime, I am destined to be alone.


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