4. My wildest girl!

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" She looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Kian's POV -

Who made this fucking routine to have a class at 9'o clock? For god sake it's fucking morning!
College should start at 10'o clock and ends at 1'o clock.

How do they expect us to function from 9 to 5? What are we a corporate employ without salary?

It's first period and I'm already yawning how will I survive this fucking college era of my life!

" Can you please stop making faces like you'll sleep just now, for god sake it's first period Kian!" Jisha whispered irritatingly.

Here she's...

" So you're noticing my every move angrybird? Already got a crush on me?"

"Crush my foot! Your constant yawning and this shitty faces will make me fall asleep too." She whispered angrily.

" At least you notice me, angry bird. It's a good start!" I stated.

I must say, the only thing I like in this college is her, I mean it's not like that way,  I love to tease her. It's so easy to make her angry.

"Students! You'll have to do a small task this week. Collect data about the depth of oceans of the world, and the data related to all the countries cost they touches and their impact on that country's atmosphere. " Rithvik sir said.

What? Is It a small task?

" Sir, do we have to do it in group?" Aarya asked.

" Why will I'll give a week when you'll do it in a group?" Rithvik sir mocked.

" Sir, but it's too much!" Aarya whined like a baby.

" I hope you'll can take at least 30 minutes from your instagram's screen time to do this, I don't think, 30 even 15 minutes are enough. Just collect the data and note it down." He stated.

"So when should we start doing this angry bird?" I whisperly asked.

" Have you lost your hearing senses too with your mind, didn't you heard him we have to do this individually?"

" I wasn't talking about that, angrybird" I smiled.

" Then what?" She asked again.

" I was asking about that.... You know it will take really long time to complete this.." I whisperd while. Pointing at her book " Thousand boy kisses".

"You!!" She hissed while turning all red.

Is she blushing?

No way!

" So when should we start, uhm?" I asked again amusingly.

" In your dreams!"

" Bold of you to assume we already haven't started in my dreams!" I smirked.

She turned all red by now, like a sweet tomato. It's really fun to tease her..

" How can you be so shameless? " She whispered.

" Am I? I don't think so.."

" Class is over students! Let's do the roll call then you can go." Rithvik sir said.


"Aarya sharma"

"Yes sir!"


"Jisha Roy"

Jisha Roy...

Her surname is also Roy?

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