5. A promise!

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" Secrets I have held in my heart,

Are harder to hide than I thought,

Maybe I just wanna be yours,

I wanna be yours,

I wanna be yours."

Jisha's POV-

This can't be happening!

No way in hell!

This has to be a sick joke or a prank. Right?

I let out a heavy sigh looking at both the monkeys talking endlessly in front of me.

God, was one not enough?

I love aaru, I do. But out of 7 billion people she chose him to be friends with?

I shook my head, struggling to make sure what's happening with me. 

Deep breathe in, hold it for ten. Deep breathe out.

I tried to practice what my therapist told me.


It's not working.

I know I lied to Aaru, but there's no way in hell she did not sense that there's something wrong between me and him!

Still, she's being friendly with him?

Are they kidding me?

Should I tell her? No, there's no way in hell I'm going to tell her. God knows what sick plan she'll make in her mind!

But, I can't stand it.

Only I know how I managed to come to college today.

I was determined, that I wouldn't talk to him. Fuck, I wouldn't even let him come within my radius and here I'm having breakfast with him on the same table!

Is it too late to change my name and move to a different country?

My brows knit together involuntarily as I picture what watching him in front of my eyes, trying to irritate shit out of me, will feel like.

Just the mere thought of him turning my life into a living hell intensifies the knot in my stomach.

I know it's not his fault, he's not the one I should blame. But what the fuck I can do?

Last time he came into my life, it landed me into fucking therapy and anxiety attacks! I don't how will I'm gonna survive these four fucking years!

A deep sighs leave my lips.

" Are you gonna eat that fries, jisha? Or should I eat them?" Aaru pouted.

" Let her eat. I'll order for you. She hasn't eaten anything." He said with a concerned look.

My eyes narrowed at him.  It almost sounded like he was..... Worried about me.

Don't hold your hopes high, jisha. You'll break your heart again...

You'll not be able to survive this time.

My shoulder slumped, as I looked at him, is he really concerned about me?

" It's okay Aaru, you can eat. I don't feel like eating." I told her.

" But you'll get headache angry bird, let me get a chocolate for you! " He left hurriedly.

Why is he doing this? I don't want to be that girl again!

" Are you okay, angrybird?" Aaru teased with a smile.

" Please Aaru, not you at least. And can you tell me why are you getting too friendly with him?" I asked her, wrinkling my nose.

" He's a nice guy, jisha! Why can't I be friend with him?" Aaru shurgs.

" I can see what you are trying to do." I let out a sigh," listen, whatever you're planning get them out of your head, okay? That's not gonna happen!"

" What's not gonna happen jish? Are you trying to say I'm trying to woo him? Haw!!! Are you really jealous?" Her eyes glint with mischief.

I shoot her a narrowed glare, "Listen, I'm not jealous. And I can see what you're trying to do and that's too childish. I told you he's not..." I tried to make her understand but she cut me off.

" I know, I know. And that's why I'm doing this! I know it hurts but you can't guard yourself forever, right? If something hurts you that doesn't mean you'll stay away from everything that has the slightest possibility to make you happy. I just want you to at least be friend with him. Can you?" She asked, her eyes pleading with mine.

"I.." I don't know what to reply, how am I going to tell her that...

" Can you promise me jisha? Can you promise me at least you'll try to get along? For me? " She added .

How can I do that? How can I make such a promise when even his mere sight can remind me of all the emotions I'm trying to run away from...

" Please jisha. You told me they are not same. Then what's the problem? Please at least try to be friendly with him?" She pleaded.

How am I going to do that?

I left a deep sigh, " I'll try." I tell her, "But I can't promise anything."

She started to smile, " That's all I'm asking, a small try." She says, with a grin that can soothe anyone's heart. " Jisha, you're like my sister and you know that. I just want what's best for you."

She's right. Whether I accept it or not but I'm stuck with him for the next three years. And I've already warned him to stay away from me, but he's constantly trying to come into my life.

If he's going to stay around me for the next three years, then at least I can try to make things normal between us.

It can't be that bad, right?

" Here's your chocolate angry bird!" He walked toward me with a grin.

Who am I kidding, it's gonna be a nightmare!

" What are you thinking? Eat, otherwise you'll get a headache!" He faked his anger.

" You dumbass! I'm taking my words back. You're not a gentleman! You only bought her chocolates! what about me?" Aaru yelled.

How did they became this close in just some times?

Are they human or what?

"Are! I bought you chocolates too, Look! I bought them for three of us." He gave her chocolates.

" Agar nahi Lata na, to mai tujhe pakka mar dalti!" She says.

(If you don't bring it, I would definitely kill you.)

" Isiliye to laya.." he grinned.

(that's why I brought it.)

I think she's right. I can't always be like this, I need to fight myself. I'm the reason for all my miseries. I can't hide myself forever, right?

I need to do this! Not for her but for myself!

I can, I hope I will not hurt myself more than i've already done...


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