Chapter 25 ~ Passage of hope ~

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*Tom's POV*

It's been almost two years since our paths diverged, yet her presence lingers in my mind like a stubborn specter.. Eva was always a temptation, a weakness I loathed to admit. Her defiance, her spirit—traits that should have repelled me—only drew me in deeper.

Now, seeing her was a twist in the tapestry of our twisted fate.
I have to free her. He can not have what is mine. 
He probably already figured that she is the key to old magic and it is a question of time he will 
use her against me. 

 I stride through the halls of the manor, my mind racing with plans and contingencies. I cannot let Grindelwald's hold on Eva continue. Her magic, her resilience—these are assets I need, and more than that, there's a simmering rage within me at the thought of her suffering. It's irrational, infuriating, but undeniable.

As I enter my private chamber, I gather my thoughts. The room is a testament to my meticulous nature: books on dark magic line the walls, and various artifacts of power are displayed with precision. I sit at my desk, quill in hand, writing down my every thought in my diary. 

"My lord." I hear Avery say, his voice full of fear. 
I sigh, "what now"
"The death eaters are ready to leave."
I nod, reaching for my wand, moving it between two fingers, 
"I will join."
"My lord -"
I look at him dead serious, did he just interrupt me?
"Avery. Shall I remind you whom you are talking to? I will join. Actually, I am looking forward to meet the legendary Gellert Grindelwald. In the end, the student beats the master.. isn't. Prepare
everything. I will meet you there."
And with that I apparate.


The journey to Grindelwald's fortress is fraught with peril, but of course I navigate it with ease. My followers, the nascent Death Eaters, flank me, their loyalty a potent force.
The fortress looms ahead, a dark silhouette against the night sky.

I slip through the shadows, my presence masked by powerful concealment charms. The guards are easily dealt with—silent, swift deaths that leave no trace. 

As I reach the heart of the fortress, I feel a surge of anticipation. Eva is close. 

I find her in a dimly lit chamber, surrounded by the bodies of Grindelwald's followers. Blood pools on the floor, and she stands in the center, a sword in hand, her eyes blazing with a mix of fury and determination.
She is a vision of strength and defiance, more magnificent than I remember.
I have to admit, I am surprised by what I see. I expected to find her crumbling on the floor, given the last time she spoke to me she seemed so despereate. Now Grindelwalds guards seem worse.

"Eva," I say, stepping into the light. Her eyes snap to mine, and for a moment, there is a flicker of recognition, a connection that transcends the years and the pain.

"Tom," she breathes, her voice a mixture of relief and guarded hope. "You came."

I nod, my gaze unwavering. "Don't make me regret it."

She lowers the sword, her stance relaxing slightly. "Grindelwald... he tried to break me."

"He failed," I reply, stepping closer. "As I knew he would. You're stronger than he could ever comprehend."

Her eyes soften, and for a moment, the distance between us seems to disappear. "Thank you," she whispers. "But we need to get out of here. He won't be gone for long."

I nod, taking her hand. "Follow me. I have a plan."

We move swiftly through the fortress, my followers covering our escape. The path is perilous as I push her to her limits to go faster. She still doesn't see I tried to train her for situations like this.
As we reach the outer walls, a burst of spellfire illuminates the night.
Grindelwald's forces are upon us.

"Go!" I shout to Eva, pushing her towards the hidden passage I discovered. "I'll hold them off."

"No!" she protests, grabbing my arm. "I'm not leaving you."

I meet her gaze, my resolve unshakable. "You must. This wasn't a request. Run now."

Her grip tightens, but she nods, understanding the gravity of our situation. "Be careful, Tom."

She gives me a brief, fierce kiss—a promise and a farewell—before turning to face the oncoming attackers. How sentimental.

My wand is a blur of motion, spells erupting in a symphony of destruction.
Eva disappears into the passage, and I unleash my fury upon Grindelwald's forces.

The battle is fierce, but I am relentless. Each spell is a calculated strike, each movement a dance of death. When the last of Grindelwald's followers lies defeated, I stand amidst the carnage, my breath heavy, my body aching, and they ruined my suit. 

I make my way to the hidden passage where I sent Eva. The night is quiet, the fortress now a tomb of silence and shadows. I hear only my own footsteps as I walk through the passage. 
It seems as if I am here alone.
"Eva?" I say sharp. 
"If this is a trap I will have no mercy" I look around serious. 
"GRINDELWALD" I shout with anger in my voice.
"COME OUT. FILTHY COWARD. SHOW YOURSELF." My words echo through the passage.

~To be continued~

~To be continued~

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