Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


I lay in the bath and lather the luxury all over my body. Once I'm out the lotion is next. I rub it in swiftly and my skin drinks it up almost as if it's getting ready for a marathon. It knows what I'm expecting and I'm expecting the world. After this is over I will try to care about nothing but my husband's happiness.

The lingerie feels wonderful and looks like it was custom-made for me. Admiring myself from different angles I wonder if Romeo is maybe a little too common...cold feet? Peter's voice filters around me 'You are the company that you keep'

Anyway, too late now, he's coming and other than ignoring the doorbell there's nothing that I can do.

Later on, I pour a Brandy for Dutch courage. I don't know why I'm nervous after all he's only a guy, there are plenty of gorgeous men around. I sit in the kitchen watching the minutes tick slowly by and wonder what Susan would do?... No doubt she'd dive right into it and attack with gusto. No man would stand a chance.

The doorbell drops me back to reality and I jump as if I've just been stung before slowly heading to the hall. Peeping through the blinds I can just about make him out pacing from side to side. This is wrong, ignore, ignore, ignore! But I don't of course, I open up and there he is, my God of deceit and destruction.

We stare at each other for a split second before he pushes his way inside and I prepare myself to fly away to a world of candy clouds and painful passion and lust and longing. I'm having it all, I deserve this.

I scramble to the bedroom, escaping from the staircase that he pinned me to. I'm not remotely worried about disloyalty now. He throws me down and then it begins. I feel as if I'm watching from the other side of the room dismayed as he tears the lingerie away and throws it on the floor. What a waste.

This is not how it's supposed to be, I'm in charge, I have to be calling the shots. Looking back at him I have to admit his body is impressive, an ebony sculpture come to life, carved to perfection. Every touch to his abs is like an electric shock through my fingertips. His skin is cool to the touch with a heady scent of vanilla. This is some man! He'd make a fortune on the streets, no wonder his girlfriend is so possessive.

He looks into my eyes constantly as he thrusts deeper and deeper whispering, "You are so fucking beautiful."

I want to say something funny back to make me feel more comfortable but I can't. For now, I'm his prisoner. His key is magic, hidden inside me forcing me to give up. The only complaint I have is his slobbery kisses, they are majorly annoying and I do hope that I don't come out in a rash.

He pulls my hair and holds my throat with his free hand before exploding inside me. All I can feel is a warm river that runs and runs until we join together. I've let go and will deal with the aftermath tomorrow.

He falls asleep quickly which winds me up. I never said that he could make himself comfortable. Watching him snore softly I try to curb my irritation but if truth be told I want him gone. I need my space. One of his arms is draped heavily around me and I move away to knock it off. I've never been into all that lovey dovey stuff, sometimes I think that I haven't evolved past the age of 14.

To love and be loved surely must be wonderful but at this moment I can't imagine it ever happening to me. Life is dangerous and Love hearts with nails are the last thing that I need. I think of Dante not as beautiful as Romeo granted but at a pinch, I could have loved him. He was wild, untameable, unpredictable...

Two solitary tears escape down my cheeks and I brush them away embarrassed. I can't feel emotion, I just can't.

He stirs opening his eyes, slowly reaching for me, ready for round 2. I move out of his way looking at my watch. He is aghast, it's pretty obvious that no girl has ever treated him like this before.

"What...You're kicking me out?"

I smile kindly but I guess it depends on which way he takes it. "Hadn't you best be getting home to your wife?"

He looks furious, he's been played and he knows it, "But Babe..."

"Don't whine it really doesn't suit you," I say delighting in the way that his face is flushing with rage. Once he's dressed he stands there looking foolish. "I don't suppose there's any chance of seeing you again?"

I laugh, "Absolutely no chance whatsoever."

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