05. Spy

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Hi everyone, happy readingg and I will make my promise that will double upp, sooo lets to the storyy


Yes, Aisha and Prince Muntaqim are now chatting, exactly they are both "spoiled talking"

But the story is different from the three women who sit behind the ice table and muntaqim, like spies or their eyes using a small camera to see footage from the ice and muntaqim.

"so.. It's going well already, it's going eazy."

"Isn't it just a record? When they realize what they're doing?"

"Dahlaa, they didn't realize the city."

Talk about the spies.

"So, did we...would we be public? We're still in high school."

Aisha's very curious words

"I dunno is private or public, but I think its private cuz we are still in high school"

Answer the light.

I think it's private because we're still in high school.

An hour passed, Aisha had already made an appointment with Nameerah, Princess Ameerah, Prince Wakeel, and Princess Muneerah

Fyi, princess muneerah is the second sister of Prince Muntaqim who is very visible and good at playing basketball and other sports.

To be honest, Aisha is very strong, especially besides a princess Muneerah will be her sister-in-law

When he got into Muneerah's luxury car, Esyah was a little surprised because Muneerah who was driving the car himself, Esyah thought he would be accompanied by a palace guard or other driver, surprised.

"Hey, is everything going good? I want to hear what my brother said," asked Princess Muneerah.

"Your brother is good, he's your royal loyal to Akakk, so I'm happy to jee"
Answer the ice.

"Oh yee, where's the name??"

"Nameerah? I want to turn this train near the palace for a moment jee" replied Muneerah

The train in Malay is the same as the car.

After parking, they both waited for the arrival of the car, which was supplied by Prince Wakeel.

"Very slow! You just take the ice picture!! Wtf."

Say one of those spies.

It's so slow! you're just shooting ice! what.

Soon, the car driven by the Prince Wakeel came. Muneerah immediately invited esyah to immediately get into the car. When entering there is Nameerah who sits in front of the side with wakeel seats to drive, in the second passenger seat there is Princess Ameerah who welcomes the arrival of Aisyah and Muneerah.

"so..where are we going?" Tanya Princess Muneerah

"Muntaqim and keluarga kite dah tunggu at boutique for they enganged." Jawab Nameerah

"Oh yee..jangan salah fokus Nameerah duduk kat depan, wakeel so clingy at Nameerah y'all know thatt" ujar Princess Ameerah membuat Nameerah reflek menoleh belakang

"Boutique??..so..thats..Prince muntaqim at boutique?..Right now?" Tanya Aisyah

Arti: butik? Jadi..muntaqim di butik sekarang?

Sesampainya di butik, mereka masuk. Disana sudah ada Keluarga Prince Muntaqim dan Keluarga Aisyah menunggu.

"Ahh...Akhirnye..sampai juga" Ujar Yuinna.

Mereka yaitu para staff sedang mengumpulkan bahan bahan premium untuk mendesign baju nya khusus kerajaan, bahan-bahan premium tentunya harganya bisa dari jutaan hingga ratus jutaan untuk sekedar kain.

Mereka pun memilih kain kain premium serta ornamen lainnya

Ketiga wanita itu, memfoto toko butik yang disinggahi keluarga kerajaan itu, ofcourse ia mempostingnya ke instagram dengan caption menandakan keluarga kerajaan datang kesana

Tentunya, para fans mengerumuni toko itu dan juga ada yang menerobos masuk, situasi menjadi tidak kondusif  saat itu

To be continued.

Aku bakal double up okayy??, sooo lanjut ke net chapt babyy!! ^^

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 03 ⏰

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