Chapter 5

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Sky's P.O.V

I watched as Jason picked my daughter in bridal style and ran away. Jerome couldn't get the other doors opened where the other guards are.

"Jerome, get my Wife out of here. I'll handle this." I instructed him.

"But sir-"

"No buts. The doors won't budge and I want you to take care of Alesa." I heard him mumbled 'yes sir' before he pick Alesa up and started to speed walk.

"No! Sky!" Alesa protest and I shook my head no. Once they are both gone, I closed the door with my hands and I looked at him.

"Aw, why not let your wife watch the show? The performance will be better when she watch you die." He said with a evil smile, showing his sharp teeth and his eyes are darker shades of purple.

Can't Enderlox just leave Skylar alone?! It was good because he was gone and stopped griefing everyone. Everything is fine until Enderlox came back!

I glare at him as I formed a fireball in my hand, ready to attacked him.

"I suggest you leave now, boy. You are not welcome here and never will be." Enderlox chuckled at me.

"No can do, king Sky," I grunted. "I have to get Skylar."

"You don't know who you are messing with, Ty. I am the most powerful king of all the biomes in this world. And I say you won't lay a finger on my daughter." I growled at him as my eyes started glowing more in every second.

He just smirked evilly at me. "Well then.. I guess I have to do this the hard way."

(Okay so I'm not good at writing a fighting scene so please be nice about this chapter)

I then threw my fireballs at him repeatedly. Of course, he was avoiding it he kept flying away from it. I fly towards him withut him noticing and I was about to punch him when he grabbed my fist, preventing me to beat him up. My fist was only 1 meter close to his face! I glared at him while Enderlox just gave me a smirk.

(My god, that pic though XD)

All of then sudden, he made me pushed back and started to punch me repeatedly in the stomach. I winced at the pain before I kicked him in the face before I summoned lightings and hit it with him. He screamed in pain and fell down on the tile floor. I landed safely and checked if he is still breathing.

All of the sudden, he used his tail and made me trip and fall on the floor. I flinch and saw Enderlox standing in front me.

"Most powerful of all the biomes? I don't think so: Your weak." Once he said that, everything went black.

(Sorry if the scene is short..)

Skylar's P.O.V

"Jason! We have to get back and help dad!" I said while pacing back and forth in one of our secret rooms. Yeah, we build these kinds of rooms whenever there was emergency attacks or something.

"I'm sorry, Skylar. But your dad ordered me to protect you." He said it simply while watching me and I groan in frustration.

"Okay, fine! I'll go myself!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.."

I scoff. "Try me." I walked towards the door and opened but it won't budge. I try it again and it still won't works. I heard some keys jiggling so I looked at my behind and saw Jason with keys in his hands.

"Oh come on!" He just laughed at my fail attempts.

"Jason, please! My dad could be hurt for all I know!"

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