Day 2

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It was now day 2 of the sporting competition, well not for Alex since he's got broken bones, but this meant that Angel would have to perform their duet as a solo in front of 1000 people.

She was absolutely petrified. She hated the thought of performing alone, especially in front of all those people. But Alex was there to support her through it. Even though he wasn't performing, he was still Angel's biggest cheerleader.

They get to the venue, and Angel starts warming up. She was competing in an hour, so she had to run over the routine once more before performing. The warm-up went well, so Angel hoped the performance would as well.

Alex gave Angel a hug and wished her good luck before she went running onto the stage. She did her routine, and everything was perfect. Then Madonna came in and yelled, "Strike a pose," just as Angel landed in her ending pose, then Madonna quickly left the room again.

Angel was astounded to learn she got a perfect score of 300 and would be advancing to the finals on Friday. This meant that not only did she have a chance of winning 10k for herself, but she also had the next 2 days to chill and have fun.

Angel and Alex headed out to get some maccies for lunch while the swimming competition was taking place. Alex got his classic chicken nuggets, and Angel got some more mozzarella dippers.

They they headed back to the hotel room and watched another horror film. This time, they watched Halloween. Angel cried from fear again, and Alex sharted himself.

They went to bed and vowed never to watch horror films again. They then went to bed and slept for a further 16 hours. Meaning tomorrow was the day of the finals for Angel. Will she win? Or will she fall?

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