Part 10

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I grunted as my arms strained in attempt to swing my bag onto my desk with a heavy thud

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I grunted as my arms strained in attempt to swing my bag onto my desk with a heavy thud. Between the two classes I had, I was given three textbooks, a few packets of papers and was carrying my own notebooks and pouch full of things from pencils to chapstick on top of that. I plopped down on my bed and groaned while placing my pillow over my face.

Nat bounced onto my bed and nearly broke my knees when she accidentally sat on them. Quickly pulling my legs out from underneath of her, I was slightly thankful to now have something else to complain about to get my mind off of him.

"Bitch, you never told me that was who you have been avoiding. If I knew that's what the dick looked like, I would've messaged him for you on your phone years ago." She said with a tut of disapproval. It only made me more annoyed and groan even louder into my pillow. I would scream, but it didn't help that my brother was playing video games with the twit in the living room.

After a failed attempt of suffocating myself out of my own misery, I pulled the pillow away and glanced at Natalie. I guess my face showed all of the conflicted emotions I was feeling because her features softened and a small frown pulled at her lips.

"Awe hun, I wish there was an easy answer for you." She murmured knowingly. She didn't even need me to tell her what I had already told her years ago.

My head leaned against Natalie's pale beige wall as my legs sprawled across the width of her bed. She sat beside me with her knees bent and her face turned towards me. The room was filled with silence besides the small sniffles that were coming from myself.

"What's going on love? You've been shutting me out for over a week now. That's not like you." Nat gently spoke, her hand reaching out to pat me on the thigh. I tried fighting back the tears that slowly started to fall as I shook my head in defeat. After a few moments, I managed to calm myself down enough to speak up.

"Do you remember why I told you we moved here?" I asked in which Nat nodded her head. Sighing, I continued.

"Well, before that happened, Kayce and I were really close to a guy that lived across the street from us. He practically lived at our house outside of school, and he was always there for me if Kayce wasn't around." I spoke, my voice slightly trembling as I tried to calm the intense pain building in my chest.

"Besides those two, I had nobody. Kayce was my brother so I always felt like he was only hanging out with me since he didn't really have a choice. But that guy, Jackson.. he was my best and only friend." Another tear rolled down my cheek that I quickly wiped away.

Natalie snuggled up beside me and placed her hand on top of mine to attempt to comfort me. I was thankful to now have her as a friend. We had only met a little over a month ago from Natalie sticking up for me in the bathroom when a girl had shoved me out of her way. Since then, she kept checking up on me until we started talking more and I realized I enjoyed having her around.

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