Plumeria, the flower I love.

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On summer break, especially that we've always been together for eachother silently talking about what to do in vacations, I can't help but to suggest a lot of things to do that especially I go out a lot.

But for today's year, it's a bit... hollow.

"Hey, where do you think we can visit? Since you always have something on your mind that always seemed to show the best place!" With a smile, placing her hands in her phone while tucking her hair behind her ears. ("How mesmerizing.") I suddenly thought. What? It's just a fling, what am I saying.

"Hmm.. not sure for todays year to be honest, I haven't really gone out hunting for places." I answered while sitting on the bench trying to gasp the breeze in my own body to relax after that long days of stress.

We stayed silent for a while, trying to think of a place to discover. I knew a place, but it's too special for me to show her...

"Well, what about the grass field I know? It's near my house, I haven't really talked about it since you always know where to go." She said.

"Sure, I don't mind." I respectfully nodded to stand up, offering my hand to hers.

As we talked for hours until we reached her house, I felt a sense of relief.. home, the smell of fragrance. How I missed it since we always go out far away from home, not that we hate it - we just wanted to go somewhere else, far from our daily lives. We hit the spot - a beautiful gazebo with veins growing in it, and a vase of Plumeria flowers in the table. - Whenever we go out, I even brought my guitar to the trip. So that I can play for her whenever I want, so that we won't be bored.

I tried to think of a topic to discuss, being so awkward was the best I could do... I muttered, "So, how was your school this time?"

She smiled while walking, contempting to look at me for a while - then she does. "This year wasn't that special actually, we just had err... A pool party since my classmate had a birthday to celebrate."

A pool party? Oh.

"Woah, really? That's... that's kinda crazy, a pool party for a birthday is quite absurd." I chuckled, placing a sarcastic tone at the end of my words.

As we stepped in a gazebo in the lone field, I couldn't help but feel emotional. Sad, Anger, Happiness, Fear? ("Why am I feeling all these?") I asked myself. ("Am I remembering it again? Seriously, it's been years. Why can't I move on?")

"Got something on your mind?" Her voice echoed, looking at me with a flower in her hands. Tipped with red in the ends just like the flower 'Plumeria' as she smiled looking at it.

"Not really... Just a bit burdened." I said, sitting on the side of the victorian built gazebo.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"You sure?"

"Sure. I don't mind, I don't have any stories to tell anyways." She laughed handing the flower to me.

As she brushed her hands in my palm, it felt like a breeze talking to me. It was soft as if it only tapped my palm...

"It's just about a friend I lost, I kept mourning for her. You know? This grassy field really reminds me of her graveyard, full of delights and rocks... Grass and trees." I murmured next to her.

She looked at me with sad eyes as if she felt everything I'm saying, discussing about the dearest friend I lost.

"You should stop mourning, she's probably happy now." She told me with a pat on my shoulder.


"I would, if I could. Honestly, if I could visit such thing as a multiverse? I would, I would bring you with me." I said without thinking. ("Bring her with me?") What am I doing? What am I saying?

"I suppose that 'she' is a kind soul, don't you think? Alyana?"
"Very, she's more than a kind soul."
"Perhaps, she's probably looking down at you.. looking at you, reading the poems you've made about her, reading the chats you've sent to her."



Who are you?

"I'm sorry." She said.


Why are you sorry?

I questioned myself, am I hearing things?

"Hey, Thanks for being my friend.
I tell stories about you to my mom, I'm sure she definitely wants to see you.
The Plumeria I gave you, the necklace, make sure to treasure it.. alright?"

"What?" I questioned myself again, turning around to look at my 'friend.'

She was gone, the only thing that was on the table was the flower; Plumeria.

A:N/ This is probably just a draft from me lol, I just miss her so badly.

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