Empty Inboxes

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Sometimes, I wish phones never existed. On the bad side only though.

I stare at the screen like it's the ceiling of my room, waiting for something to come. Maybe a call, perhaps? or a text. Any of those two would be good, but no, I only get the notifications of news or game updates that I barely even care about. The notifications I want to get never goes in, your texts messages.

I always put my phone on silent due to the lack of interactions of socials, but — you were an exemption. I pinned you in my inboxes, you were always on the "except" part in the people I wanted to mute.

We would talk about things that doesn't even make sense, like; "what object can you represent yourself?"

I thought of it as a ridiculous question as you answered your own as "I would be a pen, because I want to write everything that's in my path so I can't forget it". Ridiculous, really.

"Maybe, I'd be a bed. Just sitting there, waiting for its owner to be arrived so it can serve it's purpose."

I laughed at my answer, what was that supposed to mean? I could've picked anything rather than just a depressing one. I kept reading the inbox I used to wait for everyday, where it was always something pinned as "4 unread messages" that I was always excited about to see, reading it would give me mixed feelings— as it might be sad, funny, serious, or just a story that doesn't make any sense.

Mostly, we'd talk about things I could never get myself to talk to. I'm not on the socialist part of the room anyway, it just hurts me to see that it's been a long time ever since I saw my inbox filled with unread messages, it's always empty now.

Maybe, if I could've answered your question again; I would answer as a bandage.

You can only use it one time, then after you've healed you'll just throw it away.

But I can't anymore, my inboxes remains empty nowdays.

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