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I came across this word — Arithmophobia.

I laughed at the word, it meant "a phobia of numbers". Think about it, who would be scared of numbers? Thats a childish thing to have, no body would be scared of a symbol.

But, looking back at it as I thought about it more; Why would I be scared of numbers?

How can one be scared of numbers?


My life is written in numbers, my grades, weight, age, and the time.

The parallel world of everything, and can't be sent back after you've done it; time.

6AM: Breakfast

It's now 4PM and I haven't ate anything,

Score: 26/60

I failed, sorry mom.

Weight: 55kg

Ugh, it was supposed to be only at 45kg.

Sleep schedule: 10pm

Why is it 2am?

Maybe, I have Arithmophobia.

It has cast a shadow over my academic life. Every test, every presentation against the numbers that dance menacingly on the page. The fear of failure, a constant companion, lurks behind each calculation, making the thrill of learning dulled by the dread of numbers.

The scale, once a mundane tool, now holds the power to dictate my self-worth. With each pound gained or lost, numbers become a silent judge, whispering judgment and control.

The clock, the object that just hung in a wall— or maybe just stands on my desk rules over my life with numbers. If it crosses one line that I marked to be needed, it tells me that I am an unorganized person because I was late or never got in time.

It's weird, isn't it?

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