Part 8

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Ruby grabbed Percy by the arm and dragged him out of the Alleyway. They walked past shops, homes, and surprisingly no people ,in till they reached the main kingdom of course. When they reached the castle, the main door was locked. Which wasn't surprising for Ruby. But what was surprising was that one of the side doors was open as if someone had rushed to get in. There was wet mud smudges on the floor fading rather quickly. It looked like someone ran so fast, that they didn't make any clear footprints. The person must had wanted no one to know where they had gone because the footprints didn't reach far.

Ruby shrugged. He discarded the fact that someone had been here. The Sadida guard was strong. And by no doubt would they not have caught or seen this before. Nevertheless Ruby took Percy to his room and went to his own.

He sighed.

"Ought!" He sighed again in relief. "How long do I have to do this?" He complained. "I need to finish this." He gridded his teeth, and clenched his hands. "Dally! You have gotten me in trouble again. What am I supposed to do with your son? I could barely take care of you! I let you down! I will not let my guard down ever again. I will let NOTHING get in my way!" He yelled being careful not to be too loud.

He moved his emotions into the deep cage in his heart. Never to be let out. He put a face smile of innocence on. He walked to the room Opar was staying and poked his head inside.

"Hey." He said calmly and pleasantly.

"Hey." Opar replied unenthusiastically. He looked very immersed in the book he was reading. He looked up.

"Oh. Hey dude!" He said relieved it was Ruby. 

Ruby told Opar about Percy, and how he had scared him half to death.

"How do you read all day? I could never!" Ruby commented.

"Eh, It helps not a shushu." He said unenthusiastically. Ruby's eyes widened and he turned his head to stare at Opar. He stumbled backwards. 

"How does he know? I failed again! No!no no no no." He thought.

"You okay bro?" Opar asked concerned by Rubys reaction. " It was a joke." He laughed awkwardly. "You're afraid of shushus. Good to know."

"Oh. No, I'm not afraid of shushu." He said awkwardly. "I'm gonna um go to my room." He laughed to ease the tension and smiled. 

He bolted out the room, and sighed of deep relief. He stared to walk along the long hallways to get to his room. Which thankfully was next to Percy's.

"I really need some sleep!" He said. "And I should have pulled out my sword and killed him right there. Well, if he wasn't joking I have to kill him. No one can know!" Ruby sighed. 

When he got to his room, he sat on his bed. He starred at the wall. A tear or two fell from his eyes. "This is too much! I'm only one shushu." He said helplessly. He turned and laid down. He shut his eyes and fell asleep.

"Ahh!" He shouted. Percy was shaking him aggressively and pouting like a six year old.

"What?" He grunted.

"I'm hungry" He said innocently and sat the same way he used to as a baby.  

"Breakfast starts at nine. It's five. Go to bed." Ruby replied. Percy began to pout again and teleported to the other side of the room. Percy had been intrigued to learn how to use his powers properly now that his mom wasn't all up in his throat.

"Percy stop." Ruby said drowsily. "No learning your "powers" in till your parents are here to supervise. Percy sighed. 

"Plus you need to grow up and act your age! I'm not doing this anymore!"Ruby criticized. 

Percy ran out of the room to the gardens. He walked along the lake he had fallen into before. The ground wasn't slippery like he had remembered. He shrugged. It probably didn't mean anything important. But what he needed to think about what Ruby had said. He didn't want to but nevertheless, he did. 

Ruby was right! He needed to grow up. Be less childish. Like his father. He was childish and don't get me stared about selfish. He grew more hatred to him each day. He didn't really care about him. The only thing he cared about was political matters. Which he wasn't good at anyway.

 He never showed up at dinner or breakfast for that matter. He knew he was a god, which technically he was one too. Well a demigod. But he still should've spent some time for them. He did when they lived in that little cabin in the middle of nowhere. But ever since he became king he became bitter too. Sometimes he felt like Goltard , one of his other sons from reincarnations, was more like him than his own dad!

He wasn't going to be like his dad! He would NEVER have kids! If his father, an Iop god, couldn't even take care of him, he would never be able to take care of anyone! From now on he wouldn't be Iopish. He would be stern and stiff. He wouldn't doubt to do a task he was told no matter what it was! He would convince Ruby to teach him how to use his powers. And one day save his brother and sister and his mom! He would free his dad too but not because he wanted to see him.

"There it's decided" he said sternly.

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