Chapter 1

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Present Time

"Ah!", I screamed jolting out of my makeshift bed. My exceed and I camped out in the forest while on our way to Hargeon.

"Yawn~ You alright, Ellie?", my gray-furred exceed, Axel, asked me, rubbing the sleep out of his red eyes.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sorry for waking you up. I just had a bad dream, nothing big.", I responded as I yawned. Axel is my exceed who I met after I escaped from Dark Snake, the guild that kidnapped me. Because of my high magic power when I was little, the members of Dark Snake wanted me to become one of them. They taught me a horrible kind of magic, Blood Magic, which allows me to control my blood and form it into all kinds of things.

Of course I've never actually used it besides the time when I broke out 8 years ago, but that was because my body went berserk and I almost went insane from the training the put me through. I don't remember much about that day, but I do know that I completely wiped out their guild. Other than that though, I've never used that kind of magic and I don't plan on using it ever.

After escaping, I wandered around for awhile until I came across Galaxia, the Celestial Dragon. She taught me dragon slayer magic, making me a first generation Celestial Dragon Slayer. I stayed with Galaxia since I didn't know where else to go, but one day she just disappeared. As I was searching for Galaxia in the forest, I ended up finding an egg which of course hatched and boom, here's Axel. Ever since then, we've been wandering around with no destination in mind. I would like to go back to my family, the problem is, the training I went through at Dark Snake nearly wiped my memory. All I know is that a man named Makarov and Laxus took care of me; I don't know where they live or what they look like exactly.

"The sun is up already, we have to get going now Axel.", I told him as I started to pack our things.

"Ugh 10 more minutes please.", Axel complained falling back down next to me. I smirked with an idea in mind.

"I guess I'll just eat our extra fish then." I said out loud, taking the fish out of my bag.

"No stop! I'm up, I'm up! Put the fish down Alessia!" Axel screamed frantically as he jolted up. I laughed and handed the fish to Axel. He completely devoured the fish with some pieces flying in different directions.

"Gods, food is flying everywhere. Learn some manners, will you?", I scolded Axel chuckling.

"I don't have time for that. I have fish to eat.", Axel replied and stuck his tongue out at me. After he finished, we picked up our things and set off for the road.

~Time Skip~

"What the hell?!", I screamed. So we made it to Hargeon, but half of the town was... well, destroyed. (A/N: this is going to be occurring on the day the Battle of Fairy Tail)

"What happened here?", I questioned looking around.

"I'm going to ask around and see what I can find out!", yelled Axel as he flew away. I walked around looking at how much damage there was.

"Ellie!" I turned around and saw Axel flying towards me.

"Hey Axel, did you find anything?", I asked the gray-furred exceed. I bent down to look at the rubble on the ground. Why are some things burned and others frozen?

"Yeah, I asked some of the people living here what happened and they said some mages did this a couple of days ago.", Axel informed me still in the air.

"Damn, that's crazy. Were they dark mages? If they were, let's go kick some ass! There were probably like what, 10 mages? We could take them!", I exclaimed walking around the charred part of the rubble.

"Actually there were only 4. And the people here said that the 4 mages are from a guild called Fairy Tail.", Axel explained to me, landing on my right shoulder.

"Just 4?! No way!"

"I'm serious! That's what the guy told me!", Axel replied back at me.

There's just no way 4 people could do this much damage! That's insane! They must be some pretty strong mages. Another thing though, why does Fairy Tail sound so familiar? I stopped and thought for a moment. Damn it, I'm drawing a complete blank.

"Hey, you okay there Alessia? You have a weird look on your face.", Axel asked me, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Shut up! I don't have a weird look on my face! And yeah, Fairy Tail just sounds familiar.", I told my exceed, while sticking my tongue out at him. I paused for a moment again to think about what Axel and I should do next.

"Hey Axel, I think we should go to Fairy Tail."

"Alright! I heard they have a whole bunch of famous and power wizards! I think their base is in Magnolia!", Axel rambled on excitedly.

"Then let's go!"

~Time Skip to the next day~

(A/N: this is right after Natsu beat Laxus)

"Wow, this is Magnolia?", Axel looked around at everything in awe. I nodded as we pushed our way through all the people. Axel is lucky we got here today, this is his first time in Magnolia and the Fantasia Parade is today.

"What's with all the excitement Ellie?", Axel asked me, still amazed by all of the decorations.

"Every year around this time, Fairy Tail hosts the famous Fantasia Parade. It's the coolest thing ever, and you're lucky we got here in time to see it!", I explained to him. We stopped to ask a nearby couple for directions to the Fairy Tail guild and headed in its direction.

"Do you think you'll find out something about your past?", Axel asked me.

"Who knows.", we kept walking towards the guild, occasionally stopping at some shops Axel wanted to look at, "I sure as hell hope so at least."

We finally reached the large building with the guild flag hanging down, under a giant bell. This place is huge, holy crap! I looked turned to Axel, who was also admiring the guild base. I walked towards the door with Axel on my right shoulder and put my hands on the door.

"You ready, Ellie?"

"Hell yeah."

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