best part

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by sonderess on ao3

NOTE BY AUTHOR: it's here at last! welcome to my first real attempt at an a/b/o universe, whereby i selectively threw several tropes that i've enjoyed over the years at this story and prayed that it reads coherently

cw: male omegas have vaginas in this universe. also: discussions of workplace harassment, canon-typical subgender discrimination, and a brief mention of infertility. soob working through some internalized feelings and stereotypes about his alpha subgender is definitely a theme here as well, though i wouldn't characterize it as gender dysphoria. also, one instance of a character vomiting due to overconsumption of alcohol.

this isn't too heavy though, i promise! just covering all my bases here. mostly just Copious Amounts of Yearning lol, so please enjoy.

On one hand, it makes sense for Beomgyu to move in.

"You need a roommate, I've found you one. Problem solved," Seungkwan tells Soobin over cold cereal one morning. "Would you rather keep looking on Craigslist?"

"No," Soobin grumbles into his coffee as he gingerly places his dishes in the sink. "But he's an omega, isn't he?"

Seungkwan is moving out of the apartment he and Soobin have shared for the last four years, off to blissfully cohabitate with his boyfriend Hansol after three years of dating.

"Beomgyu is on suppressants, as are you," Seungkwan reminds him. "I know the dynamic is a little awkward, but his heat will probably come a few times a year at most. You've already had to plan around your ruts with me. As long as you're both careful, there shouldn't be any problems."

Seungkwan's right. Soobin knows he is, but it makes him nervous just the same.

He's on a highly regulated suppressant regiment, so that his ruts only come in six month intervals. But just because he knows exactly when they're coming, doesn't make it any less awkward to tell his roommate to be out of the house for the better part of a week when they do. Up to eight days, if his pre-rut symptoms are particularly bad.

Seungkwan's always been a good sport, not batting an eye about it since he usually just crashes at Hansol's apartment anyways. But Seungkwan is a beta, and they've been friends for years, since their early college days. It's different with a stranger, especially an unmated omega.

"Have you talked with him about it?" Soobin asks. "The last thing I'd want is for him to feel uncomfortable in his own space, you know?"

"See, this is why it's going to work," Seungkwan tells him. "You're already being considerate. He knows you're an alpha, but I'm going to give you his number so you guys can meet up and discuss in more detail, yeah?"

"Okay," Soobin relents. "I'll be open-minded. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"Something tells me you won't regret it," Seungkwan squeezes his shoulder affectionately as he places his empty cereal bowl in the sink next to Soobin's. "I have a good feeling about this one."


Soobin meets Beomgyu in a coffee shop a week later, and immediately decides that it makes absolutely no sense for him to move in.

Pretty, is the first thing his alpha whispers when an omega with chocolate brown hair and soft puppy eyes pulls out the chair across from him and takes a seat.

Scratch that. Really fucking pretty.

This is who Seungkwan suggested as his new roommate?

"Soobin, right?" he asks. His voice is huskier than Soobin had expected, deep and warm, still lazy with sleep. He offers Soobin a friendly smile, and Soobin's alpha preens at the gesture, even though it's just basic courtesy.

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