Love (repeating itself)[2]

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"They say nothing last forever but they're just scared it will last longer than they can love it""

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"They say nothing last forever but they're just scared it will last longer than they can love it""

-Ocean Vuong , On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous


Beomgyu likes to consider himself a pretty self aware person. Unfortunately, being self aware does not really help him at all to actually change shit about his actions, at least not enough.

That is to say that Beomgyu is quite aware that he fucked up when he broke things with Soobin and now he's fucking up by fucking him every other day of the week. He really meant to leave the guy alone, he truly deserved better than Beomgyu but god, he makes it real hard to stay away with those pretty lips and beautiful dimpled smile, with those eyes full of reverence and devotion for him. Beomgyu is aware Soobin feels something for him, whatever that may be. He claimed it to be love back when they were going out, same tender eyes but his smile wasn't anywhere near as hesitant as it is now.

Soobin had always been pretty open about liking him when he first confessed to him and asked him out on a date, Beomgyu had been curious about the cute, taller man with dimples so he had said yes, just to entertain the thought and Beomgyu has to admit that he initially thought the man only wanted to fuck him— wouldn't have been the first time that had happened —but then they went on said date and he found himself laughing and joking around with Soobin, they really hit it off so at the end of it Beomgyu had been the one to ask Soobin on their second date, Soobin had blushed a pretty shade of pink and said he'd love to.

And so it had started.

They shared a first kiss on their third date and Soobin had been adamant about doing things right with him, said he wanted something serious with him and Beomgyu sort of joked around that Soobin only wanted to get inside his pants but in reality he was scared that would actually be the case and Soobin would leave him once he got what he wanted from him, Soobin always denied it and reassured him but Beomgyu couldn't get the thought out of that pretty head of his.

And no matter how hard Beomgyu tried at the end of the day he let his insecurities get the best of him and probably ruin the best thing he would ever have in his life by breaking off things with Soobin out of the blue before it could even be official. He'd thought that had been it, that Soobin would realise he deserved better and move on.

Until that one party...

"Come on, Beomgyu, you said you'd go with me!" Heeseung was whining to him like a child about him not wanting to go to a party to get shitface drunk.

"Well i changed my mind"

His very dear friend rolled his eyes, Beomgyu was surprised they didn't just stay stuck like that. "You promised, Beomgyu"

Beomgyu only looked at him, he was caving, he had promised he'd go with him but that was yesterday and today was today but he had already cancelled his friends a lot lately, not really being in the mood to go out, especially to go to a party, first because he had to be around more than three people and second he'd get drunk and he didn't want to get drunk because he made the stupidest decisions while drunk and admittedly he could stay sober throughout the party but then he'd have to socialise sober, and that was way worse, at least drunk out of his mind he would let go of every inhibition and probably forget 70% of it the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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