18 5 0

June 16 2017

Dave - yo Ron

Ron - wassup

Dave - have you figured out your hunch

Ron - not yet. But something isn't right

Dave - thanks for looking out for her though. She's isn't use to having security. She seems paranoid and I don't want her to be

Ron - i know man

Dave - send Martin in I've got a job for him

Ron - will do

Martin - boss

Dave - you're gonna be helping my lady. With anything she needs when I say anything I mean anything you do okay

Martin - yes sir.

Dave- how old are you

Martin - I just turned 18 sir

Dave - you got any family

Martin - a little sister sir

Dave - how old is she

Martin - she's 7 sir

There was a knock on he's office door

Dave - come in

AJ - baby I was just won.. oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt

Dave - it's okay mamas come

She went up to him

Dave - martin this is my lady AJ

AJ - it's nice to meet you Martin

Martin - it's nice to meet you too ma'am

AJ - you don't have to call me ma'am call me AJ

Martin - no ma'am

Dave - mamas he will be like your PA

AJ - I don't need one

Dave - you will.

AJ - how old are you Martin

Martin - 18 ma'am

AJ - any siblings if you do how old

Martin - she's seven ma'am

AJ - how close are you guys

Martin- I've got custody of her. While's I'm here I was just wondering if I can finish my shift early so I can pick her up from school

AJ - how do you get there

Martin - I take the bus ma'am

AJ - I'll take you there

Martin - thank you ma'am I really appreciate it.

AJ - I was going to the grocery store anyways I was gonna if you wanted anything

Dave - I'm good mamas

AJ - alright call if you need anything let's go Martin

Dave - take my car. I used your car earlier and there's not enough gas

AJ - I can fill it up

Dave - Martin fill the tank her please I don't want her pretty hands touching it

Martin - yes sir

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