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The commotion at the Morgan Academy ended quickly and they let the students go for the remaining day with an invitation to have dinner together – paid by the big boss – as a gesture of apology for the inconvenience.

The invitation was also being extended to the detectives who regretfully declined because they still investigated the Morgan Academy.

“Please come back anytime if you have any further inquiries, Detectives.” Andros smiled and shook their hands, while Freyja observed from a distance.

At first, she was looking for the teacher who dared try to slap her, but strangely, she could not find her anywhere. But she decided to join the dinner to ask around, along with Yuki.

Most of the students and teachers went to have dinner in a Korean Barbecue restaurant that was famous for its premium meat, and Freyja looked happy when she found out that she could order as much as she would like.

“Did you find her?” Yuki asked Freyja who ordered the premium beef for the nth time, along with her 5th bottle of soju.

“Who?” Freyja liked her brother’s moonshine the most, but this soju was quite tasty – although it didn’t really do anything for her. After Freyr’s moonshine, everything would taste like water anyway.

“You know who.” Yuki frowned. “Did you…”

“Relax, I didn't find her and instead I found something interesting.” She gestured to Yuki to come closer. “Apparently there were cops there, and they were looking for multiple missing people. Sounds like a serial?”


This was new.

“Yep. There were 4 of them and they were asking around right when the fire alarm went off. Did you think the perp did it to throw their attention somewhere else?”

“Hmm, quite possibly.”

Yuki was about to speak again when a man in a suit came to their table and looked at Freyja with a glint in his eyes that made Yuki shiver from disgust.

Well, it happened too often with Freyja, and it depended on her mood whether she was in a bad one or not – although Yuki was sure that she was quite mellow after those beef and soju.

God, he needed a significant pay raise because this was all making him riddled with anxiety of when and where Freyja would go off. It was like babysitting a nuclear bomb without a detonator.

“Hello there! Are you new students? I’m Andros, the in-house counsel for Morgan Academy.” He put his name card on the table.

“Yes, I’m Yuki. She’s Freyja.” Yuki politely nodded at him while Freyja didn’t even glimpse at the man. Instead, she ordered more soju.

“What great names! So, tell me, are you going to learn to become an idol? Actor? Singer?” He sat beside Freyja and Yuki started to be more cautious.

Freyja did not like to be touched by anyone she didn’t know, and he wouldn’t want her to throw a fit because this man was obviously eyeing her.

“Action actress.” Freyja answered him and Yuki was actually surprised. “I’m really good at fighting.” She looked dead straight into Andros’ eyes, and he suddenly felt chill all over his body, like he looked straight into the eyes of a predator and he was a small creature ready to be devoured alive.

But he tried to compose himself and smiled at the beautiful woman – even though he really wanted to run away instead.

“Good! Nowadays the actors and actresses rely on stuntmen/women more. With your look and your ability, I bet you will get a part soon. In fact, I know that there will be an audition for an actress in a movie with Artemis as the lead, and it’s an action movie. Why don’t you try to audition?” Andros took out another name card and wrote something on its back and gave it to Freyja. “Here’s the time and date for the audition. You can also find the information by checking our website.”

“Mm, thanks.”

Yuki was the one to take the card with the information again, and Andros looked very baffled since he had never been rejected by anyone before – especially a nobody like this one.

But he also suspected that this one was not any ordinary person since she had the air of someone with authority, and the man – Yuki – although he was very handsome, but he acted more like her assistant rather than her friend.

“Thank you Mr. Andros, we appreciate the information. Is there anything else we can help you with?”

Andros noticed that although Yuki was very polite, his smile did not reach his eyes – which were cold. And since he was quick to read the situation, he excused himself to continue his rounds.

“That one has the eyes of a snake. Smells like one too.” Yuki rolled his eyes in amusement. “Thankfully he didn’t realize what we are.”

“Eh, pests like him are everywhere, no need to pay any attention to him. But then again, a snake? Hmm…” Freyja thought of something. “I think we need to dig more into him. Let’s ask my cute nephew to provide us with his latest spy gadget.”

“Thank god for small favors.” Yuki muttered under his breath and sighed in relief. “Should we go back home then?”

“Mm. But first, let me order more beef. I love premium beef especially if it’s free.” She chuckled and Yuki wondered when did she ever pay for anything since everyone spoiled her so much, but anyway, at least the storm had passed and he would definitely drink Freyr’s moonshine before he went to sleep so that he could rest until tomorrow.

Danse Macabre (Angel Devourers #4)Where stories live. Discover now