I finished packing the last box I had left to pack, not realising I had so many things until they were all packed up into cardboard boxes.
I heard a knock on the door and after answering it, I noticed that it was Harry wearing a T-shirt and his usual skinny jeans paired with boots and his hair was in a bun.
"Hi, are you all packed?" He asked with a smile.
"Hi, I am, but what are you doing here?Anyone could've seen you!" I exclaimed.
"They already have, some asked for pictures but they will find out soon anyway." He said, shrugging and I stepped aside for him to come in.
"True." I sighed.
"I couldn't just leave you to carry all of these boxes by yourself, so I thought I would help and Paddy's outside waiting by the car." He said, explaining his arrival.
"Well thank you, I'm going to need it with all of these boxes." I laughed.
"Let's get started then." He smiled, lifting one up as he began to carry it outside as I did the same.
After almost two hours of maneuvering boxes, with Paddy's help and having to stop every so often so Harry could greet some fans.
"Jade, why are you with Harry? Are you two together?" A girl who lived near me asked.
"Yeah we are." Harry smiled at her and her eyes widened.
"Really? Wow, so when do I get an invite over to yours?" She asked with a smirk and I looked at her shocked.
"Oh, are you two friends?" Harry asked, confused.
"Yeah." she smiled and I scoffed.
"No Harry were not friends, she doesn't even talk to me." I answered, truthfully.
Her eyes widened and she looked shocked.
"Don't come crying to me when he drops you." She snapped before leaving.
"Do you know her?" Harry asked, placing the last box into the vehicle he had brought.
"No, that was the first time I've ever spoken to her." I sighed.
"Is this going to be my life from now on? People I don't even talk to, who went to my college coming over and claiming they want to see me when all they really want is you?" I asked, already finding this difficult.
"Jade, it's alright to feel like that, but you have me if you need to talk." Harry offered as we climbed into the back of the vehicle, which happened to be a moving house truck as the driver started the engine.
"I don't though, do I?" I said, referring to the fact that we weren't even together.
"You do and your not alone, I'm going through a similar thing, only I have experience with the fame more than you do, but I can help you to deal with it." He reassured me.
"I know and thank you, I appreciate the fact that your a really nice person and that it's you I'm spending the year with." I smiled.
"Well your really nice too, you just seem stressed lately which is understandable." He said.
Throughout the car journey we spent some time getting to know each other more personally and having a laugh as he was actually quite a funny guy.
He was friendly, funny and he was so kindhearted. I couldn't understand why he hadn't managed to get a girlfriend himself and why he needed the help of me.
After unloading the boxes into Harry's house and thanking the driver, we entered the house as Harry showed me around.
"You can sleep in the spare room which is next door to mine." He explained and I nodded.
"Okay, that's fine." I smiled.
"I'll leave you to get settled in then." He said, beginning to walk away.
"Harry, can I ask you something?" I asked as he turned around to look at me.
"Of course." He smiled.
"Something personal?" I added and he nodded.
"Okay, well you seem like such a nice person to me, your so kindhearted and funny and-" I stopped myself before getting to the point that he was good looking.
"I just wanted to know why you needed my help. I don't understand why you haven't got a girlfriend already. Your so genuinely lovely and I don't understand why girls wouldn't want to stay really." I said.
"Well I guess it hasn't really worked out with anyone for me. I've liked girls and I've been interested in them, but it hasn't gone much further than that. I haven't found the right person yet." He explained.
"I understand." I said as I hadn't found the right person yet either.
We stood in silence for a few moments before Harry spoke up again.
"I'll leave you to get settled in, I can make the announcement to the media that were together on twitter whenever your ready, just let me know." He smiled before walking away.
I sighed, unpacking a few things I needed and some clothes before deciding to head to bed, knowing that once we were announced as a couple on twitter, things would be completely different.
What did you all think of this one? Please comment <3Thank you so much for all of your support on this book so far! I've got more ideas for it and I'm hoping you will all enjoy what I've written so far <3

One Year Contract >> H.S
Fanfiction"One Year." She told herself. Little did she know that one year would turn into more.