From my concert last year ^ :) is anyone going/has gone to see the boys this year?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jade's P.O.V:
"Wake up." I heard and I opened my eyes to see Harry next to me in the bed.
"What's going on?" I asked, still disorientated as I woke up.
"I made you some breakfast." He said, a smile on his lips as the dimple on his cheek became more prominent.
"You didn't have to." I said.
"I wanted to. I wanted to say thank you for your support yesterday and also as a kind gesture." He said, his dimple becoming less prominent as he bit his bottom lip.
"I'm quite a good at cooking, if I do say so myself, so I'm positive that you'll enjoy the breakfast I've made." He smiled, gently tugging on my hand and we got out of bed.
"You really are everything a woman could wish for, aren't you?" I giggled and he smiled widely.
"I am, aren't I?" He joked, letting out a laugh as we headed into the kitchen, noticing that none of the other boys were in there.
"Are the boys still in bed?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think so. I woke up early, I couldn't stop thinking about things, so I thought I'd cook something and do something for you." He replied, handing me a plate with food on it.
The food consisted of blueberry pancakes, with toppings set next to the our plates as we sat down at the kitchen counter.
"I hope you like them." He smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled back, tucking into the breakfast.
"What were you thinking about? If you don't mind me asking." I asked.
"Different things really, the paparazzi and what people say and what you said. About the fans, the boys, you." He listed.
"You weren't upset then?" I asked, worried.
"No, not really. I was just thinking, you know?" He said.
"Yeah." I said, understandingly.
"So when you said you were thinking of me, what were you thinking of exactly?" I grinned and he chuckled.
"Can I complement you before I tell you?" He asked and I smiled.
"You can if you want to." I nodded.
"Your a good listener Jade and I appreciate it. I appreciate the fact that I can talk to you and you will support me. I need supportive. I appreciate that and I appreciate you." He said, sincerely.
"Of course, I'm here for you. Harry, that's so sweet. But your supportive towards me too, you should give yourself more credit. I want to help you, but I'd also love to be a part of your life in some way." I explained.
"You would?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, of course. Your a lovely person and to be a friend of yours would be amazing. I haven't had many friends so far and to meet someone like you, is welcoming and really nice." I answered.

One Year Contract >> H.S
Fanfiction"One Year." She told herself. Little did she know that one year would turn into more.