Jade's P.O.V.
Settling in was hard because having to move all of my stuff in had proven stressful.
I had just finished unpacking waking myself up somewhat earlier from my place on the couch to get everything unpacked today, although I ended up leaving most of my clothes in the suitcase.
Honestly, with this being Harry's house, I didn't know where to put my stuff.
Should I put my clothes in his wardrobe? Am I putting the food shopping I just bought in the right cupboard? Where does he keep certain things? Many questions filled my mind and I had even slept on the couch last night, not really knowing where to put myself.
Despite being a couple now, I still found living in his home quite awkward, but instead of dwelling on these things, I knew I should ask him about all of these things.
Checking my phone, my eyes widened to the amount of messages I had gotten from Harry, some from while I was sleeping and some from this morning.
"Hey, I'm going to sleep now, I'm sorry to bother you. I know your sleeping, I just miss you."
"Call me when your up xx"
"Jade, are you settling in okay? Because I could try and fly back and spend some time with you if you want? xx"
"I love you. X"
My heartbeat sped up as his lovely text messages and I laughed before dialling his number.
"Hi Jade!" He chirped, answering on the second ring.
"Hey, Harry, you didn't want to talk by any chance did you? I mean you've hardly text me since yesterday." I teased and he laughed loudly.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you. How are you settling in?" He questioned and I sighed.
"Well, I like being back here, but unpacking is a bit difficult." I admitted.
"Why? What's wrong, baby?" He asked, concerned.
"Well, I know you said to make myself at home, but I don't really know where to put my clothes or myself to be honest." I told him.
"You can put your clothes in my wardrobe, silly. I know I have a lot of stuff in there, but if you can find room, then it's yours, just move my stuff up once side." He directed.
"But I don't want to invade your space," I said, seriously.
He could tell me to make myself at home all he wanted, but it didn't make me feel any more settled.
"Your not invading my space, I'm not even there," he laughed.
"Your more than welcome. My home is your home now and hopefully it will be for a long time, please, put your clothes in my wardrobe, I'd like you to." He reassured me.
"Okay, thanks Harry." I smiled, deciding I wouldn't put too much in there.
"Oh, wait! Why don't you put your stuff in the chest of drawers? It's hardly got much in it, there will be plenty of room." He said quickly and I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable with that idea.
"Okay, I'll do that. Thank you." I said, with a slight blush.
"No problem, kitten. Hey, did you have a good night sleep last night?" He asked as I headed into the bedroom, sitting down on his bed.
"Yeah, it was good." I answered, with a smile, even though he couldn't see it.
"Where did you sleep?" He quizzed.

One Year Contract >> H.S
Fanfiction"One Year." She told herself. Little did she know that one year would turn into more.