Harry's P.O.V.
"Are you serious?" I asked into my phone.
"I'm sorry I can't deliver any better news, but they said that this is the way it has to be. Jade can stay, just make sure she's out of the public eye." Mr Smith explained.
"I can't believe your asking this of me now." I growled before hanging up the phone.
I had just gotten a phone call from management, saying they wanted to spread a rumour about Jade and I breaking up, one where Jade would be the heart breaker.
"Jade?" I called quickly as I noticed her walked passed our shared bunk bed.
"Yeah?" She asked, with a small smile.
"I have some bad news." I stated, getting straight to the point.
"What kind of bad news?" She asked, concerned.
I patted the seat next to me and she sat down before I took her hand in mine.
"Management kind of want us to break up. They still think were in a fake relationship, so don't worry, they don't know that it's real." I reassured her, knowing we would have to break up for real if they knew.
"But they basically said they're setting a rumour out that we've broken up and then were going to get back together in a months time." I explained.
"How does that help you, though? I thought we were put together for you to have a better reputation, not for us to break up." She said, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Well...they said I have to act upset because you've broken up with me...that's what the article will be." I answered reluctantly.
Jade was very insecure as it is, without the extra hate from fans that she would get if they thought she had broken my heart. The least I could do was be honest with her and tell her everything from the conversation I had before.
"Are you serious? They're making me out to be a heart breaker?" She questioned, moving away from me.
"I'm sorry, I said no but they hold so much power over us and I didn't know what to do." I defended and she scoffed, shaking her head.
"So now were being ripped apart? Is this going to be our life from now on?" She yelled, standing up, tears apparent in her eyes.
"No, were never going to work out for real, Harry. I think you know that because after this year is up, we'd have to tell them we were real and then they'd break us up anyway." She interrupted me, angrily.
"Hang on a minute, you weren't going to tell them were you? You were going to keep me a secret weren't you? How long did you think you could keep that up for?" She shouted, throwing questions at me as I shook my head.
"No, Jade I wasn't, of course I was going to tell them. Maybe for longer than a year, but I will tell them when the time is right." I said quickly and she shook her head.
"There's no need because I'm leaving." She choked out, a sob escaping her as she pulled out her suitcase from next to the bed.
"No, no, no. Don't leave, please." I pleaded desperately, not wanting to lose her for real.
"I have to leave anyway, so what's your problem?" She shrugged.
"No you don't, Mr Smith said that you can stay, but you have to stay on the tour bus so the fans and the rest of management don't see you." I said, watching my worst nightmare unfold in front of me as she packed her bags.

One Year Contract >> H.S
Fanfic"One Year." She told herself. Little did she know that one year would turn into more.