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"How do you know him?" asked Nairobi next to me. Currently we were preparing for the Inspectora to come into the Mint for a real proof of life.

"What are you talking about?" I knew exactly what she meant.

"You called him Andrés."

"Yeah they mentioned it in the news, you remember?"

"Cut the bullshit. It's not only the name but also the way he reacted, it's like you brought him back to his senses."

With a deep breath I faced her. "You are right, we have some history. We worked together a couple of times but that's it."

Not believing me, she raised her eyebrow and slightly tilted her head to one side. "You know I'm not stupid, right?"

"I know." I laughed. "We were never serious. I guess it's just too complicated with what we both do and besides that he was always busy with one of his ex-wives."

"I can't believe you would pick him. Out of all the men on this planet, you chose Berlin." She chuckled and shook her head like somebody just told her the funniest joke.

"I guess it is hard to believe, but I promise he is different when it is only the two of us. And on top of it we have known each other for years."

"You don't have to explain yourself, Siena." She smiled at me and grabbed my shoulders. "I have my own opinion on Berlin, but I see the way he looks at you and I know that it's something special. I just can't wrap my head around you two."

The last part made me laugh as well. If you think about it, it's ridiculous. Especially us reconnecting for the biggest heist in Spain.

"Can you keep this little secret to yourself?" I questioned to which she nodded and pulled me into a hug.

It was time for the visit of the Inspectora. Berlin would lead the whole proof of life, considering that his identity was already known and he was the leader.

Murillo and Berlin took a seat in the hall while me and Nairobi stayed in the back with masks covering our faces. We were only there to make sure everything was going to plan.

"First Arturo Roman"

"You are bringing the hostages one by one? I can't spend the whole day here."

"That is a shame. I was starting to get my hopes up." Grinned Berlin which made the others shake their heads.

This whole ordeal took several hours with Allison Parker being the last one to be presented.

"Look, since I walked in here I have only heard you say stupid things. I had higher expectations for someone who only has a couple months to live." Said Raquel Murillo annoyed because she knew that we were wasting her and the polices time.

A couple months to live?

"What is she talking about?" asked Rio.

"He has Helmers' myopathy. An extremely aggressive degenerative disease with a life expectancy of 14 to 25 months. His muscle my have already started to weaken. Are you getting spasms, trembling hands? Haven't you noticed it is becoming more and more difficult to hold your gun?"

He was going to die soon. Why didn't he tell me anything about it?

My mind started racing as well as my heart. I couldn't believe it.

Silently Berlin stood up, leaving the room and all the people behind him. But I wanted an explanation from him and that's why I went after him.

"Seems like he isn't the only one affected by his illness." Laughed Murrillo and took a mental note to further check Berlins past.

I walked after him ripping the mask from my face as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Andrés, tell me she is lying." I pleaded with him as we came into his office. He only looked at me without saying anything. Instead he took a glass and filled it halfway with whiskey.

"So it is true?" I questioned to which he nodded. My head was spinning because it felt like everything was crumbling down. With tears running down my cheeks I took a few steps towards the couch steadying myself to not break down completely.

"Did you plan on telling me?"

"Bel, please."

"Tell me you were going to tell me the truth." I screamed at him. I couldn't hold myself back. At this point I didn't even know if it was anger or pure sadness. "You weren't, right?"

"No." Crying I looked to him and saw that he had tears in his eyes as well.

"So, you decided to meet again for this fucking suicide mission before you die without any explanation whatsoever? Has it ever crossed your mind how I would feel?"

"Do you really think it is that easy telling people that you are going to die? Especially people you care about or even love? For months I was wondering how I should do it, but I couldn't bring myself to actually go through with it. Then Sergio wanted to put his plan to reality and I thought we could pretend like it was just another heist for both of us. Forgetting about everything that might come. You are right, Bel. I wasn't going to tell you because I couldn't. I rather wanted to be an egoistical coward than be in this exact position."

"Everything would have been better than finding it out from someone else, Andrés." A sad smile formed on my lips. I was disappointed but at the same time I knew that this was our last adventure together. Therefor I wanted to make the most out of it and not spent the time angry and ignoring each other.

"I know Bel and I'm so sorry." He came up to me placing his hands on both of my cheeks and began to wipe away the tears. "I don't deserve you in my life, mi amor." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before pulling me into a tight embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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