1. The exam

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Gabriel went to college while I stayed behind for another year, since I failed to pass my exams. I didn't want to go to another school. I wanted to go to the same University as Gabriel.

I felt sad that I wouldn't be by him but it's life. Gabriel promised to always call me and during the first two months, he actually did. But slowly..... He stopped calling.

I cried some nights. He didn't care about me anymore. I tried calling sometimes but he mostly didn't pick up. The few times he did, he treated me like I was his younger sister. And would hang up saying he had something to do.

I wondered if he forgot me completely, if he forgot everything or was he just done with me? He had probably found someone else at his school. There were days I told myself I didn't want to go to same University with him anymore. I told myself I didn't want to see him, but a bigger part of me wanted to still be by him and confirm my suspicions.

He came to visit home very rarely. And whenever he came, it was always awkward between us. He would say few words to me and lock himself in his room or go out. He never stayed long.

However, Abel was always by me, although he wasn't as loud and talkative as he used to be.

I felt lonely most of the time. I was terrible at making friends, but I was glad no one bullied me at school, ever. Infact, it seemed people at school did everything they could to avoid me. It was peaceful but lonely.

I focused on my studies but never stopped thinking about Gabriel. Mrs Fidelia and Mr Noah were barely ever at home. Some nights, Abel and I would stay up late watching TV shows and eat snacks. We would tell jokes and laugh out loud. I would fall asleep on the couch and would wake up to see that I was covered with a blanket.

Abel was the sweetest kid ever. He would assist me in cooking whenever he could. Sometimes he volunteered to cook. And even when it turned out bad, we would laugh it off and continue eating, but if it was beyond human understanding, we would have to order for food if we didn't want to go through the stress of cooking all over.

He would buy snacks home sometimes. There were times he talked about Gabriel. He missed him, I did too but never brought him up. Mrs Fidelia and Mr Noah had asked me about Gabriel a few times. They asked if I've heard from him and I always say yes, even though I haven't.

The year was slow, very slow. I sometimes found myself alone at home. I'd sit on the floor in the balcony and just stare into thin air. I had everything I wanted, and before I asked for anything, it was already provided but I didn't feel satisfied.

Gabriel was what I really wanted. I even had a personal driver now, who would take me anywhere I wanted but I never went out if it wasn't school.

Now, my exams were close by. I've studied my brains out. Yet I wasn't confident in myself. Mrs Fidelia kept encouraging me. When she wasn't home, she'd call me relentlessly. And when she comes home, she'd come with a lot of things for me and hug me.

We talked about random things occasionally and it felt really nice. I felt loved by everyone except Gabriel. He was cruel. I told myself I wouldn't forgive him. He made me feel loved by him and I relied on him completely, then he forgot me.


The night before my exams. I sat in my room, scrolling through the pages of my books as I tried to revise what I've studied. I was anxious. My phone beeped and the light turned on. I looked at it and got up from the chair. I walked to the bed and sat, I picked up my phone and looked at the text

Evil eyes
Good luck on your exams tomorrow. I know you'll do great.

It was Gabriel. I frowned and threw my phone to the other end of the bed. Why was he sending a text now? He couldn't even call? It annoyed me. How did he know tomorrow was my exam. Even if he knew, I doubted he had time in his very busy schedule to remember that. Or did mom tell him? That had to be it.

Mrs Fidelia was the one who told him. I didn't want to think about it but I couldn't help it. I shook my head and walked back to my reading desk. I sat on the chair and tried to continue studying but it was difficult.

I had saved Gabriel's number as 'Evil eyes' one night when I called him so many times but he didn't pick up. I wanted to tell him how sad I was but he didn't pick up. I cried and got mad then changed his name from Gabriel to Evil eyes in my phone. Each time I thought of him, I see his blue eyes in my mind.

I've always thought that they were beautiful, but they were probably what deceived me in the first place.

* * * *

I woke up the following morning. I had slept at my desk. I raised my head and wiped my eyes. The first thing I did was check my phone, to see if Gabriel had sent another text but he didn't. It angered me even more. I immediately started preparing to go for my exams.

Once I was done. I came out of my room and climbed down the stairs to meet Mr Noah, Mrs Fidelia and Abel all waiting for me. They wished me well and Mr Noah personally drove me to school. I thanked him and before I went in, he told me

" You're a smart girl Liela. You can do it" he said and I smiled with a short nod of my head. I thanked him before turning around and ran in joining the other students who went in. I easily wrote the other subjects. My challenge was Maths and Physics but I did the best I could.

After the exams had passed. I just waited at home until the scores were released. I checked online together with Mrs Fidelia and Abel since Mr Noah travelled again. I passed. I did way better than I thought I'd do. We were all so happy. I cried. Abel laughed.

He seemed more happy than me even. Time flew and I was accepted into the university Gabriel was in. I was happy but I knew at the back of my mind, I'd get to meet Gabriel again or not. Since I plan on avoiding him, yet I wanted to see him.

Finally the first chapter is out...
A lot seem to have happened after where the book 1 ended. Don't worry, you'll get to understand it better as we move on.

I'm really excited about this book 2

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