육십 팔

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"Yang Dongmi, be my girlfriend and be with me forever." I said to Dongmi and I got out of bed. "I like you for real, and I want to be with you for as long as possible."

Her face turned red immediately as she tried to process everything that happened earlier, and she shook her head. "My mother doesn't approve of it," She said to me.

This is just ridiculous... "Why not? I am sure that she would like me and your older sister has already given the green light for me to pursue you and she is going to be my future sister-in-law." I got closer to her.

"And I know that you like me so much that you ran all the way just to see me." I grabbed her hand and I gave it a little squeeze. "And you even believed my silly excuse and I like you even more."

"Kim Taehyung, you are really annoying, you know that?" She looked at me and then she gave me a little smile.

"How am I annoying to you?" I touched her nose gently. "Tell me, my dear girlfriend."

"Don't tease me," She said, turning even redder.

"Oh, you didn't deny that you are my girlfriend so it is official that we are dating each other." I smiled to her. "Today is our first day, my lovely bunny."

She is as cute as a bunny that hops around all day but still goes back to the owner at the end of the day to receive hugs and kisses and she is my cute bunny, and I am happy that I get to see her after such a long time.

She let out a sigh. "I am starving, what did you even make for me?"

We got to the kitchen and she walks to the dining table. "It looks like a feast," She says smiling and I told her to take a seat while I go pour a drink for her.

"Why did you decide to move here? The cafe in your hometown was a great location and it is close to your place as well." She asked me and I told her that it is not a good location.

"Well, it is in my hometown and anyone who is a fan of mine would somehow know where I am at, they can just search the entire redius and they would be able to find me. So Jeju island is the better one and Daeyeon likes it here as well, he said that he can finally enjoy life here." I told her but she is not liking the answer that I am giving me. "What's wrong?"

"I thought that you came here because you don't want me to search for you," She pouted. "So you moved all the way here so that I would not know where you are."

"That is part of the reason because I don't want you to be dropping everything just to find me," She rolled her eyes at me and I just chuckled because I find her so adorable. "I mean that you did it once and you wanted me to return back to the industry but it is not made for me and now I am doing what I love."

She nodded her head. "Alright, I promise that I wouldn't go all the way to find you again." She replied but she didn't seem so pleased.

"I didn't mean it that way," He held my hand. "In life, there are a lot of things that we would have to give it a try and we will see what is good for us. I thought my dream was to be an idol but it turned out that I was well suited for something else and I decided to go for it. That is what you are doing as well right?"

When she was still my manager, I had heard her mention that the major that she is taking was not of her own choice but it was the major that her mother advised her to take because her future would be very much guaranteed if she were to have a business degree.

But she didn't like it and she only went with her mother's decision because it was the other better alternative rather than to pursue her dreams again.

"Daeyeon told me that you wanted to be a producer right? Go for it, I know that you have the talent for it." I said to her.

"But I would have to start all over again and my mother would be so disappointed in me that I have decided to switch majors midway." I shook my head, telling her that it is not a waste of time to start all over again.

It was the same for me back then, when I went for an indefinite hiatus and no one knows what I am up to except for my members, I had to do everything on my own and I opened a cafe and Song Daeyeon was working for me, which eased half of my burden because he is just so capable. But it didn't mean that it was easy for me as well, I almost broke down a few times due to all the stress and I am managing better because I got used to it already.

"You never know that it is going to benefit you if you don't go for it." I told her. "I will be your support, I will be there when you need me and I will go there immediately without any hesitation. I mean it, I would even fly back to Seoul anytime at your command."

She burst out into laughter. "That is just ridiculous,"

"I mean it, I am your boyfriend and that means that I would do anything for you and I don't mind if I get anything back because I love you." I looked into her eyes.

It is a little too early for me to say that I love her but I have the feeling that we would be very happy together and I will spend each and every day loving each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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