이십 칠

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I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder and I opened my eyes, finding myself laying my head on the table and everyone in the class were looking at me and no one else, especially the lecturer who is staring at me as if she wanted me dead. "Finally you're awake, Miss Yang. Is it that hard to stay awake in my class? You know that it is not the first time that you have fallen asleep and I wouldn't have called you out if you had just slept normally, you even had the audacity to snore in my class which is clearly unacceptable."

I stood up, apologizing to her and bowing slightly to her so that she will feel the sincerity coming off me. "I'm so sorry about that, Mrs Lee."

She nodded slowly but I could still feel that she is still mad at me for falling asleep in my class, I mean that I can't help it when her classes were indeed too boring for me, I can't seem to focus at all.

And it is not just with her class, I did myself dozing off sometimes in all the classes that I take, I have no idea what caused this but I never seem to be able to stay awake in any of the lectures. It is bad for me if I am going to graduate and I am definitely going to fail if I don't buck up, and my mother is going to be so disappointed in me. She spent all of that money to get into a university so that I would secure a high paying job and pay it back to her.

"What did you do last night? Did you suddenly found the interest in gaming?" JiHoon asked me when class is over for the day and we are talking out of the school grounds.

I shook my head, other than music, I have never liked anything and I will never touch games in fear that I might get addicted to them if I played them far too long. "I just went to bed at my usual timing, I have no idea why I would fall asleep all the time in class either. Class is like a sleeping pill for me, I never stay awake for more than one hour and I will only wake up at the end of the class."

"You have only one job and you failed it, are you sure that you even want to continue studying?" He asked me and I stifled a yawn. "Yep, definitely not cut out to be the studying type."

I used to be the studying type when I would go to school with everything that I needed and I would go straight home as soon class is over and I would study my way until midnight but that was before I became a trainee, I feel like my life has totally changed ever since I became a trainee and then later as an idol and it can't be reversed anymore.

"Do you remember that I used to study like mad when I was back in middle school?"

"And you would end up having nosebleeds all the time." He answered my question as he stops to wave at a close friend of his. "I thought that you were going to die of cancer every time that happens."

"I don't get it now and do you know why?" He shook his head. "Because I have gotten so used to not studying and devoting all of my time to dancing and singing, you know being a K-pop idol. And now it can't be reversed anymore, because I am so used to that kind of a lifestyle for so long."

"You are saying that you are going to be an idol again? Don't do that, you are not cut out for it." He told me. "Just listen to your mother and graduate with a degree that will make her proud, marry someone else who is promising and live a happy life."

"With someone like you?" I teased him and he instantly turned red like a tomato, his ears looked like it is going to bleed. "I am just kidding, you are my best friend and I can't imagine dating you or even marrying you as a life partner, I can't even stand you sleeping in the same room as me."

He glared at me and he hit my shoulder. "Anyways, don't you think of ever going back into the industry, it nearly ruined your entire life and I don't see you going back for the second time will ever change anything at all. I will tell your mother straight away if you do that and you will get grounded right away, I am not going to help you get away with it."

"Relax, I am not going to do that. I knew that I am not cut out to sing and dance in front of the audience, I don't have any luck in being a K-pop idol." I told him. "But if I really have to return back someday, don't scold me about it because I would have considered it really carefully and know what is going to happen."

He glared at me. "Promise me that and make sure that you can do that, you are my only best friend and I don't want you to suffer in the cruel entertainment industry." I gave him a small hug and that ends the topic for both of us. "Where are we going to study? We can't go to Kim Taehyung's café right?"

I nodded. "Well you technically can still go inside but I am permanently banned from going there, you know that the plan has totally failed. And plus, his café won't even be open because he is hospitalised."

"Really? When and how did he even got hospitalised?" He asked. "And how did you even know about it? You are not allowed to get close to him."

I got all flustered because I didn't tell JiHoon that I was with Kim Taehyung yesterday and I saved him and brought him to the hospital, I thought that he didn't need to know about it and now I dug into the grave that I have created. What an idiot am I...

"I heard it from the robot Barista, I met him by coincidence yesterday and he told me all about it. Don't worry, the café is going to reopen in a few days." I made up a little lie and he nodded.

"Then we would have to find for a new place to study, there isn't a lot of cafés around here at all." He pouted as he looked around for any cafés that might be suitable for us to spend our afternoons studying.

"Why don't we go back to your place? You have your own coffee machine at home and I don't even need to pay a single cent for it." I suggested and he rolled his eyes.

"You are just taking advantage of me and my comfortable bed, don't you think that you can just sleep in my bed and not study at all." I laughed when he said that and he laughed as well. "Why don't we just ditch studying for today and we will watch a movie today? You choose the movies and I prepare the meal for the two of us as we stay comfortable in my blanket."

"That sounded like a great idea, let's do it!" And that made me temporarily forget about the tiny thought that I would be happy again if I go back to be a K-pop idol again, it seems like something that I would not do for now but I can't say about that in the next few months or so. If Kim Taehyung goes back to be a singer once again, I swear that I have to become a singer as well or be his personal manager because it seemed very impossible for Kim Taehyung to ever want to return back to his group.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now