오십 삼

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It has been days ever since the huge Kim Taehyung saga that took the entire company by storm because Bang PD still hasn't dropped the announcement of him leaving the group and I have no idea how to tell the respective directors that their main lead is not going to be a part of their project and they would have to find someone else who could replace him, they will have a lot of losses but it is still so much better than waiting for an actor who has gone missing to make his way back to film their drama.

Technically he is not anywhere to be found, he is still in Seoul and his cafe is located in the same city but to me, he is lost and I need to make him a lost and found poster soon, something close to a bounty in the one-piece world so that the whole world would get some motivation to catch him and bring him back to his group.

He is a coward, he could have held a press conference or something to announce his retirement from the industry but he had to do the disappearing act and hide in his lovely cafe. And I am left here to clean up the mess that he left behind, I used to have some respect for him because he was a long time senior in the industry and he is also TaeEun's older brother. He is very diligent in his work unlike his playful personality but he is going too far this time, making me so mad at him.

His first hiatus from the group was reasonable enough because he sustained a heavy injury at the time and there was TaeEun's death as well which made him go into mourning and he avoided going back to the industry after that, opening a small cafe to keep him from going crazy. He spent a whole year not being a celebrity and I remember that it took me a while to realize that he is not just some good looking cafe owner but he is the celebrity himself.

And this time, he will be leaving his impressive career as a singer behind and he will be stuck inside his lovely cafe for the rest of his life and he is not going to leave his lovely cafe for anything else. And no one wants that to happen, his members are still currently in shock from the part where he is leaving and they are trying their hardest to convince Bang PD to let him stay no matter what, while half of them are going to get hold of him but he is not contactable.

I am sure that he had switched off his phone to stop the others from contacting him and I am sure that his cafe is in the same area, there is no way that his cafe would suddenly disappear to some world. It is hard for me to go searching for him and bring him back but one part of me is just so mad that I don't want to see his face because seeing his face would just make me want to punch him in the face.

I could just give the address out to the members of the public so they could help assist us to locate Kim Taehyung but he should be left alone and it is his wish that he didn't want to be an idol anymore. I was not that mad at him but my pride doesn't allow me to forgive him, and he didn't do anything wrong at all.

He gave himself a second chance to make it big and even his purpose is not to make it big with his return, he would want to do something that he loved doing and it benefits everyone. I was also motivated by his decision and I decided to be next to him as his manager because he gave me the hope that it is possible.

But now he tells me that he regrets it and I don't exactly know how to feel about it, that he hadn't wished that he has made such a huge announcement to the industry that he is making his grand return back and the public is not going to take his retirement news very well. They would do whatever they want to him because they are trying to fill up their hatred for him and he broke his promise to them and things are not going to be the same for him again.

"Kim Taehyung is still not picking up?" I asked Seokjin ssi when I dropped by their dormitory.

He nodded his head. "Do you think that he switched off his phone or something?" He asked me and I told him that he might do that. "He is going a little too far with that and I don't want if I would want to be yelling at him as soon as I get to see him or I will be begging for him to not give you on his dream and continue to be alongside us."

He looked like he is about to cry but I couldn't give him any answers at all, I haven't gotten the chance to meet him and hired some men to beat him up. Yoongi ssi comes out of his room at this time and he didn't look that happy as well, he is one of the members who was anticipating Kim Taehyung to return even though his face doesn't tell me that he is sad.

"Taehyung is not in Seoul anymore, someone that I know told me that he just closed down his cafe a few days ago and he left Seoul earlier this morning." He said. "Where do you think that he might have gone to?"

"Maybe he went back home to Daegu, he must have missed home a little and he is going back home to his comfort zone," Namjoon said, coming to the kitchen with his phone in his hand. "I am currently booking 7 train tickets to Daegu and we are leaving in a few hours if you are wondering why there are 7 tickets, you are included in this trip as well, DongMi ssi."

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