Chapter 3~the party

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Jays POV

At exactly 8:03 Caith rings the doorbell.

I quickly run down 3 flights of stairs so then I can make sure Jack won't embarrass me.

"Is there any specific time you want her home by?" I hear Caith say as I come around the corner.

"I want her back by 2." Jack responds

"Your still gonna be up by then?" I asking revealing myself.

"Johnson and Sammy are coming over so ya."

"Wow you look you look beautiful." Caith say astonished

"As beautiful as my eyes?" I giggle back

"Your eyes are brown." he chuckles

"Eww young love." Jack says trying to act disgusted "get out of my house." he says and shoos Caith and me off.

"So shall we?" Caith asks opening his car door for me.

"Yes let's go."


When we arrive at Tyler's house it's HUGE it's like a mansion.

We enter the house to be greeted by Tyler.

"Hey bro!" Tyler slurs to Caith

I quickly look around and see alcohol EVERYWHERE.

I tug on Caith's sleeve, "Caith" I say barely above a whisper.

"One sec." he says not even turning a little.

"Caith." I say sternly.

This causes him to turn around.

"What." he asks a little annoyed

"I thought you said there wasn't going to be any alcohol."

"Well it's fine, just don't drink any."

"Are you shitting me Caith?! Like for reals?!? No I'm not staying here with all these drunk ass people just so I can stay and watch them get drunk even more. I'm sorry but I'm leaving, bye."

Caith pulls me back into his arms.

"Please don't leave, just stay for a little bit and if anyone gives you any trouble we will leave right away."

"Ok." I say loosening up a little

2 hours later

I find a group of girls that haven't been drinking and decide to stick with them, but then I decide to find Caith I mean he is my boyfriend after all.

When I find Caith he can barely stand.

"Caith what the fuck."

He turns around all wobbly.

"Mmmmm yes?" He questions me

"You lied to me." I say tears in my eyes

"Hey babe." a blonde girl that I've never seen before slips under Caith's arm.

"Really Caith?" I say pissed

I turn around grab someone's drink out of their hand and dump it on Caith.

I run out of the front door and cry sitting on the porch.

I get out my phone and call Jack, but Sammy answers the phone.

"Sammy come pick me up, now."

"Ok ok I'll be there asap."

"Thanks," I say, "and don't bring anyone else."

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