Please read-Please help

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Ok guys this is really serious and I hope you take this in a serious manner.

Ok so there's a kid in my grade in my grade, and he has lung cancer.

Now I don't know how early they caught it or what stage he's at.

And today there were a lot of people, not just freshman (our grade) but sophomores, juniors and seniors wearing shirts made for him, I didn't know they were made so I didn't get one, and I'm mad

But a ways I just thought it was really cool to see all the kids and the teachers wearing that shirt.

If you wanted to know in the front it says "no one fights the fight alone." And on the back it says "team, and his last name" I won't say his last name for obvious reasons

But yeah......

This kid is a really nice kid, and I'm asking you all to pray for him, and that he may live many more blessed years.

And if you don't believe in God or anything at least hope that he'll get better.


Thank you SO much for your prayers and hope

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